BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Marendar is basically the bonkle equivalent of the Terminator.
He’s gonna be silver, and his hands are claw-like and can drain Toa power.
He’s gonna have an accent color but I don’t know what it will be. (maybe red?)


Generic silver colors for Marendar… cool…

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I think it’d be cool if Marendar looked like those cyborgs from Invincible but sprayed with eldritch aesthetics.

Custom head or wear a kanohi? I’ve imagined a custom head somewhere between Sidorak/Krekka/Megatron

i hate to sound adverise-y, but…

yup that’s mine. he even has a red eye!

i was planning on doing that… but then just kinda didn’t

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Definitely a custom head for me. I like to imagine him with one of the 2002 hockey masks, but with some additional pieces added on around it

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Just add a cowboy hat being tipped.



I believe BIONICLE’s humanoid vs inhuman motif is more of a visual shorthand for good guys vs bad guys rather than robot vs non-robot. While there are exceptions, this patterns extend to most of BIONICLE’s set waves, only ending in 2009. The bohrok, vahki, piraka, etc. are less human than any of the Toa waves. Good human vs bad nonhuman is also a common trope not just in toylines but in fiction in general.


Clear bohrok bias there. Humanoid is CLEARLY good guy you darned swarm-boy


I wholeheartedly agree that different shades should be allowed in large part because I have no teal parts, but I think I agree with Sharnak on this one:

Though, honestly, I think one shade each of green and blue should be allowed in the same MOC. As long as one shade is used for whatever is meant to be recolored, I feel other shades could be permitted elsewhere. Lariska doesn’t have to be wholly teal, after all–she could be two-toned, teal and dark blue, or teal and dark green, or something of the sort.

Yes but no.


This is the interesting part of Marendar character. He is a bad guy to the toa but was meant to be a good guy to the agori. I think Marendars design should reflect this.

I tried to have a mask on mine but people I showed it to didn’t like it and asked for custom head. Since it was basically only thing they agreeded to I think it is universal opinion.

I have tried to build custom head, I do not know how @Likus and @Gilahu do it. they are masters.

What Marendar should have?

I of course have my preferences, but in the end, as long as it is imposing and looks strong I can accept almost anything as Marendar.

But I do hope people keep price in mind when building theirs. I want to build the winning model if I can and price affects it a lot. Magenta/purple pieces are nice but if they are 20 years old pieces and expensive I will not vote for it.

AND I do not want it to fall to pieces instantly I let go of it. It should be able to whistand little play. Also I want to see a real photo of the figure. I am not against but if the Marendar is Larger type figure I want proof it can stand on its own without friction pieces.


Honestly, I’ll be happy with any Marendar color scheme that isn’t grey and silver. I get why people give him those colors, but it’s a bland color scheme.

Camo colors, like tan and green, would be neat. Metru red would be cool, as a nod to the OG Marendar, plus it’s kind of evocative of blood red (which bionicle is no stranger to, since Pridak happened)


(not fully Mettur red like this, but hafing Metru red as a secondary or accent color)

Of course, my current Marendar moc has none of these colors, but I like it anyway.


I also am trying to add more color to my moc but nothing else seems to work. silver is hard to beat.

By that I mean my Marendar moc isn’t grey/silver, Metru Red, Tan/brown, or green. It’s a combination of other colors I haven’t mentioned.

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Ah I see you’re a man of culture as well

Do not worry if I make a marendar he will not be bland.


Yeah, Marendar should be band instead. As in Free the Band, because he was freed by the (presence of) Toa. Marendar must play music!

I don’t know where that head-thought came from…

Welp, I took a picture of it. Then I found out I like taking pictures, so I took more of them. Anyways, I made a topic for 'im: Old Marendar MOC

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On the topic of Marendar, I have Tributron’s as my personal favorite. The thing has real glowing eyes and a motorized walking function! It would be interesting to see a winning entry with not one but several gear functions and play features.