BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

yeah, he’s over there right now

were you a good social interactionist and said hi


i’m not there
i will tomorrow though

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@Winger It may be difficult to believe, but @GoodGuy2006 is actually a person, and not a little figure people take to Brickfair with them :wink:

…or maybe not

Fair enough though. Hopefully he will read over the chat when he’s back, or one of the mods will pass on the important gossip.

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this is news to me

therefore it must be categorically false.

In this topic? Never heard of it.


They’re there, and they may or may not partake of the $4.50 wine!

i will make it my sole goal to dab on eljay tomorrow


I’ve got a spare head that I’d like to refine a little for Lariska, but heck if I know what I’d do for literally the rest of her body.

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I would retort but Keksalot did such a good job that I’m leaving it at this.

Just know you’ll get useful critique whether you like it or not should you choose to post. If that’s too much, the boards and its users are not to blame.

And now the topic goes back into the one thing Eljay said to please stop discussing so I disappear again… But not before quoting this:



The way I see it, there are multiple camps involved here and as time goes on, they seem to be getting increasingly more tribalist in some ways.

These are the ones I’ve noticed, in no particular order.

Camp 1 is the people who care about the canon a great deal and want to add to it in any way they can. This (seems, at least) to be the majority opinion on the TTV boards proper. They probably don’t have a lot of strongly-held headcanons, and are either willing to replace those they do have with the new canon forms, or suspend their canon adherence in the event that one they don’t like wins.

Camp 2 are people who care about the canon a great deal and don’t want to add to it. They’ve got some staunch headcanons and aren’t willing to let go of them, or they want to keep the freedom that they’ve enjoyed in the past 11 years to keep iterating on those characters in ways that aren’t defined by the baseline of a canon design. Note that a lot of these people are still entering, often because, well, if a canon design is going to be forced in them, they might as well try and make it one that appeals to their own preferences.

Camp 3 are people who don’t care about the canon but are entering anyway, treating it as another Bio-Cup. They can enter some really good models but often they don’t fit the canon designs at all, and the builders seem to refuse to accept that they’re supposed to be creating the official design of a character and not necessarily the most technically competent build. There were a lot of Helryx entries that followed this, dozens that didn’t seem to really try to match any aspect of the description at all or were trying to be art pieces more than anything else. I really wish these people would stop entering in all honesty, largely because of…

Camp 4 are people who just like seeing cool new MOCs and voting for their favourites. If all the MOCs are themselves canon-compliant then this isn’t much of a problem, but if you get weird stuff then it can swiftly become a problem as this group is more likely to make those types of models succeed.

This thread and many discussions about the contests off-site are rapidly turning into fights between Camp 1 and 2, with occasional teaming up to dunk on Camp 3, while Camp 4 presumably eats popcorn and watching the fights.

I personally started out in Camp 1 but I’ve drifted into Camp 2.

That said, I think the particular subject matter of this contest has exacerbated the tension, largely because the rules are so restrictive. And the presence of the rules is not a bad thing, the lore we have for the Hagah basically mandates that this be the ruleset used.

But that makes them a terrible subject for a contest. In all honesty, I only voted for one or two entries per poll in Round 1, instead of choosing three, because most of them looked the ****ing same. As Dag said, if they wanted to do canon designs for the Hagah they could’ve done a vote on masks and speartips (and maybe breastplates) and then given us a quick art contest, and it’d be done, without having months on end where half the MOC section of the boards was a Toa Metru-flavoured remake of Attack of the Clones.

We’ve got Tuyet next, which will be the third Toa of Water in four contests. And that’s one that’s absolutely going to have battle lines drawn it very quickly. I can all but guarantee that there’ll be fights between people who want her to be a Metru build to put her with Lhikan, and people who are just sick and tired of Metru builds already and want her to be something else purely for the sake of variety. And unlike with the Hagah, there is no Greg quote to firmly say she is or isn’t a specific build.


I feel roasted to an unrecognizable crisp.

My hope for Tuyet is that people will just be fed up with arguing and let TTV do their thing.


People will never be tired of arguing on the Internet. Especially not when the gap between contests gives them a month or so to recharge their batteries.


Here’s what this made me think of - what if we had a canon arbitration committee or something that can vote to DQ an entry for not complying closely enough with canon? We’d get people who care deeply about canon who are both in favor of and against the contests, and either a majority or unanimously must decide to DQ an entry if it doesn’t fit canonical description.



I 100% agree with everything you said in this post, but I am just so confused because you voted for the contests in my poll.

Riot up against Metru-Tuyet and Metru-Nidhiki! We can go with something that does not establishes that drunk headcanon about Metru being standard as and actual thing

(no, seriously, Metru build, despite being nice in proportions, is awful thing for doing lots of diverse stuff while keeping yourself in set-like borders)


I mean, it’d make sense. But it would be boring. But Eljay has already stated that Metru builds will not be mandated for Tuyet or Nidhiki (but neither will they be disallowed).


It’s not that much makes sence, since there are like, among 13 known Metru-build Toa, 6 are being this way because of other one, and other 6 may’ve been just selected specifically because of their build to be in one team, who knows if Teridax was kind of perfectionist about this. And there are other occurrences, like Mata, Inika-build and Helryx telling us that Metru isn’t at least not mandatory for Toa to be like (yes, both Mata and Helryx are artificially made to be this way, and there is most likely only 7 Mata-build Toa, and only 1 Helryx-build Toa, Helryx herself, but that already opens possibilities)

I can see some other Hagah to be Metru, like I’m going with Hagah, but for Nidhiki and Helryx, I want them to be not Metru just to show that they are not from same island, none of them is having mutual homeland

I certainly agree that Nidhiki and Helryx should not be Metru build, as it would show that they aren’t native to Metru Nui. However, we also know that Toa can change their armor (the Hagah were not native to Metru Nui, but wore “uniforms” after being conscripted by Teridax). I would say that it’s likely that at some point after the Kanohi Dragon battle, the Mangai may have changed their armor to all match, but I think the contest should aim to depict the characters as they were prior to becoming a team.

Also, the reason I feel that it would make sense is that the Metru shape has to come from somewhere. Maybe it’s just a regional variant, but we know that Matoran are transformed into their idea of what a Toa is when they become one - so, naturally, someone up the family tree was created as a Metru build.

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If I did that, then I misclicked.

[quote=“TTheLus, post:5696, topic:51546”] We can go with something that does not establishes that drunk headcanon about Metru being standard as and actual thing

I would argue that if there’s any standardised Toa design, it’s the Inika/Mahri/Phantoka/Mistika build.

Seriously, the Toa are meant to be biomechanical versions of the Glatorian, whom also use that build. And the times we see a Matoran transformed into Toa without the “Matoran’s idea of a Toa” filter involved, they turned into Inika builds.

Helryx was probably meant to be one too, we know Greg didn’t visualise the characters but likely if he had any image it was probably just one of the toys of the time but blue.

This kills the BZP reviewers