Hard agree on this, and I think this is how the contests should have been run.
However, I disagree with this, and I would again like to point to MOVs. It is true that most Helryx MOVs will resemble Double’s model from this point forward, but there will still be people who choose not to model their MOVs off his MOC. And there will be people who are grateful that Helryx has a canon depiction at all, since they can’t be arsed to have a headcanon. The canon isn’t a vice on everyone’s creativity, and it is not a hard rule preventing people’s headcanons from existing. Sure, you (or Gilahu) could have a canon-compliant headcanon about what Helryx or Artakha looks like, but if the winning model is canon-compliant (as both winning models have been so far), what is the harm done?
I think that’s where I’m lost in this argument. I understand that canon-adherents care about canon, and I understand that canon-adherents also may have canon-compliant headcanons about a character’s appearance. But if a character is now visually depicted, and this depiction doesn’t contradict any canonical materials, what’s the issue?
jeez, the word “canon” barely has a meaning anymore after all that
I’m not entirely sure how the discussion derailed into the usual ‘try to convince the other side.’ If you don’t understand why I and others don’t like these contests, that’s all good. The point is that people don’t like them, as shown from my poll, and I’m suggesting, as I have been, to move up the continuation poll to right after the Hagah.
Put it this way: some people, knowing there’s a canon Helryx design, will lose all energy and enthusiasm to make a Helryx MOV because there already is one. Some people (including me, though I’ve come to terms with it), if they’ve already made a Helryx MOC, will look on their MOC with disheartenment because the meaning they infused it with (namely to create something canon-compliant) has been damaged.
But this here is a deeply personal argument for why you’d prefer not to have contests. Which is why this argument only works if it’s applied democratically.
Anyway, hope that sums it up. You come across as respectful and willing to be convinced so I thought you deserved some explanation. Hopefully I’ve put the debating to rest for a little while longer
I’m not trying to convince, I’m just trying to see where you’re coming from so I can empathize with your position better, and reevaluate my own based on your input. But if it’s all good, I guess it’s all good.
Yeah, I mostly just want us to stop talking about it. Maybe Dag should take his poll to a DM with Meso and Eljay rather than posting it here and hoping they see it. (I mean, I’m sure they will)
“Humanity should be exterminated because they cause conflict”- why AI specialists and conspirators fear the growth and dependence of independent-thought technology. Honestly, it’s not completely a wrong judgement of human behavior.
I think there are extenuating factors that cause humans to be terrible to one another, but that is a discussion outside the scope of “BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions”.
Anyone got a cool Lariska build they’re working on?
Yeah, but I couldn’t use it as the connection would be Balljoint to Balljoint and thus impossible and a different problem is the head being a bit too big.
I just started casting my votes and noticed the results haven’t been posted for the first set of polls. I remember someone brought this up before: were they actually posted anywhere?
I wouldn’t be so insistent they be disclosed for other contests, but there’s more reason for tactical voting for the Hagah. My votes are partially going to be based on which pairings we’re most likely to see winning.
That doesn’t work this way. Thankfully for contest, I’m now unable to imagine Artakha as anything except winner moc, and same for Helryx. Don’t know why, it’s just got this way. And same thing may’ve happen to any other person. We can have contests, even working same way as what we’ve got now, without being about canon.
It’s one of reasons I don’t like the contests. Besides being held really horribly, it also kills off imagination about look on specific characters sometimes.
It’s not about image of something that will never be a thing, it’s already is in the Greg’s web serials and other things, and it’s solidifying it’s appearance
That’s a small help, but for people who are voting on the basis of what designs fit best together in the team lineup; if they can see that one Bomonga entry is overwhelmingly popular (i.e. is pretty likely to win), they can then make a more informed vote on which of the other Hagah look best alongside that Bomonga. Basically it just removes some uncertainty.
@Eljay Please make sure this at least happens for the semifinals results. Doesn’t seem like disclosing them has much of a downside.
Have you considered that that could be an issue on your part, and not the contests’? Like, I genuinely want to know, I’m not just trying to introduce my point.
I’ll be fully transparent: I like the Artakha art, as I was lucky enough that the art depicted him as I imagined him.
Helryx, on the other hand?
Absolutely not. I’ll be honest and say I really hate both the MOC and art. It conflicted everything I’d ever thought of Helryx, from the mask design, to the posture, to the build, to the general aesthetic.
And because I dislike it, I still just headcanon it as a different appearance, they way I always imagined her. If the fact that there’s an official appearance or explanation negates the possibility of someone being able to have a headcanon, then the concept of a headcanon wouldn’t exist.
I believe they’re currently at Brickfair, if I remember the dates correctly. That could explain why they’ve been a little inactive.
It is for sure my issue, but I also sure it’s issue other people are dealing with too
And I’m not saying I don’t like contest winners, especially artworks. Just it killed off for me other images of those characters, and it bothers me a lot