This is exactly the problem that I and others have with the community’s attitude towards these contests. What people really seem to want is just to replace the “No Image” icons on BS01 with actual character representations. Making it canon is just a consequence of that.
Absolutely not. Greg is and always has been the only person that can determine what is canon and what isn’t. BS01 is simply an archival website, and TTV is just the forums that Greg is on. They themselves, or the community, cannot dictate canon.
I think now is a good time to bring up the results of a poll I’ve conducted on several Bionicle Discord severs. I sent this exact message to each:
Concerning the TTV canon contests, Eljay has said “we have not seen a statistical majority or even large group of people calling for these contests to end.” Myself and others have argued that this is because Eljay is only concerned with activity on the boards, which are biased towards the contests. To see if there is evidence of this, I will be posting this message across several Bionicle discord servers and asking people to vote.
If you are for the contests and/or have been enjoying them, react with a thumbs up (). If you are against the contests or at least how TTV has been managing them, react with a thumbs down (). If you do not care either way or haven’t heard of them before, react with a neutral face (). If you see this message in multiple servers, please vote only once.
The reason for doing it this way rather than a formal straw poll is so that, while it might not reach people as easily, it is contained within these discord servers and not skewed by outside users, and it will be a sure way of checking for double voting.
The purpose of this is not to uncover some hidden majority to turn the tides against the contests, but to show statistical evidence, or lack of, that the majority opinion on the TTV boards is not applicable across the rest of the Bionicle community.
Here are the raw results:
- 4
- 8
- 3
- 7
- 5
- 0
Mask of Destiny
- 4
- 7
- 1
The Great Archives
- 1
- 10
- 1
Kingsidorak Server
- 1
- 1
- 4
The Mask Makers
- 3
- 9
- 2
Bionicle 3D Modelling
- 4
- 14
- 4
A few people have clarified to me that they are for the idea of canon contests in general, but have not liked how TTV has been running them, and so still voted against per my wording. Also, some people voted more than once, so to eliminate bias, I will remove the multiple votes in the overall count.
- 20
- 43
- 13
I know there will be several responses to these results.
“These are clearly biased.”
Of course they are. Just as the TTV boards are biased towards the contests. It’s been Eljay and others who don’t seem to look or care about what the community outside of the boards thinks of them and they just assume it’s the same all around.
“The sample size is too small.”
This is a fair criticism, and one that definitely could be improved on. My reach was limited to the amount of Discord servers that I personally am in, and there are some that I am not. Even the servers I did post this in, not every active member voted, so these cannot be taken as the definitive majority opinion of these servers.
Does this mean this was worthless and not helpful? Not at all. It just means that the results suggest a majority against the contests, but further polling is required. This is exactly why I have been arguing that TTV should do another continuation poll after the Hagah, not Lariska.
Another thing that immediately stuck out to me was that The Great Archives had the highest percentage against the contests. This server is ran by Planetperson (creator of the Farshtey Feed and Greg Archive) and has several members who not only have done incredible work on the canon and archiving it on BS01 and TGA, but also have actively participated in and entered these contests. Almost all of them voted against the contests.
This what I’ve been saying for a while now. Activity and participation =/= enjoyment and support, but again, that’s the only measure TTV uses to continue them. Those of us against the contests would rather seem them end, but until they do, we actively participate to help make sure they run smoothly, not because we want them to continue. Sure, the members in the TGA server are only a fraction of the community, but when they are people who enjoy the canon and lore of Bionicle and know it better than most, and they are all pretty much unanimously against the contests, that should be a red flag.
The entire argument that “if you don’t like these contests so much, why care about canon” is completely hypocritical. Those of you who are for the contests are eager to suggest ignoring canon to us if we don’t like the contests, so why advocate for a canon contests in the first place?
Again, you don’t care about canon. You just want a picture on BS01.