BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

If you guys could disclose how much input Gregs gonna have on the canonization part of the contest that’d be great. :grinning:

Will you just be showing him the winning entry and having him just say “yes this is canon” or does he get to reject a model if he doesn’t like it or think we can do better?



We will do our best. Obviously, certain things may be subject to disclosure. But we will see what we can do.


My 2 cents: for the next contests, i believe smaller polls would be better, especially the last one: it should have just 3/2 entries instead of 6. In a poll of 6 there are too many options to pick the best on, in my opinion. Maybe that’s just an impression of mine, but i felt this Helryx contest was a bit rushed, and one winner out of more than a hundred entries was chosen after just 3 rounds. Sorry for my english


Some thoughts:

Not trying to throw shade, but there should be some form of quality control with these designs. I’m not really one for such things, but online communities just aren’t good places to foster genuine constructive dialogue, and I fear that any future contests are really going to be scarred by the “Hoseryx” meme. To avoid this, I suggest that each entry be at the very least, screened in some way. I just don’t think we can “trust” the community to not enter a state of extreme toxicity when a meme starts winning, or when a meme makes it pretty far.

The only other thing is that I would suggest a different voting system. All or nothing voting/first past the post voting is super inefficient, and likely to lead to future controversies.

@Eljay Would TTV be willing to change the system to a form of ranked voting? I think this would allow people to vote for the thing they actually want, rather than voting against something else.


I know the forum’s currently imploding with the Helryx stuff, but is it alright if I ask something about the Lariska contest, despite how far off it is?


We are willing. It’s just a matter of any technical limitations, but we’re looking into it.

Of course, ask away.


Okay cool. So correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe it’s been established that Lariska is ‘dark teal’; a colour that straight-up doesn’t exist in constraction.

If that’s the case, how is it going to be implemented in terms of how mocs are judged on faithfulness? Could I build a MOC that’s metru green and just say “y’all are gonna have to imagine her in teal”? Would the winning entry just get recoloured in the art round or something?


Dark teal in LEGO is what Kongu McToran uses. Greg may not have been talking about it directly, but that color is what is referred to as Dark Teal in the LEGO community.

That being the case, Lariska MOCs would be best using that as the primary color, which is possible in constraction. And the artwork would reflect that, though artists will absolutely be allowed to darken the teal to an extent.

Hope that helps answer that question!


Oh, that’s dark teal? I don’t think I own a single piece in that colour.


Yeah, it’s rare but not unheard of. “Primary color” can also have some liberties taken with that. So long as it’s used in some big spots, it doesn’t have to be the entirety of the figures’ armor. Thinking like chest, mask, maybe shoulders, etc. Or even chest, mask, and then some bits on the limbs. Secondary colors can of course be used in whatever flow you would like to augment and supplement the limited piece count of dark teal, so long as dark teal would still have a presence.

Alternatively, you could build on Studioo, where you can recolor anything to dark teal, or paint parts IRL.


Well, at least you have allowed us to paint pieces, so we might see a lot of pieces dipped in dark teal paint. Would be interesting. And in the future, we could 3D print our own pieces in the color. That is, doing it personally, since LEGO would most likely look negatively on us replicating actual BIONICLE pieces they’ve made and selling the 3D models. Maybe there could be a way in the future for people to share 3D models for 3D printing for free though.

Marendar is actually the one character I am the most excited about, since I have a pretty clear image in my head of what I think he / she / it looks like. However, I don’t have the necessary parts. Maybe can be of help!


Thingiverse exists.


But yeah, I understand why. It was getting so toxic it was about to reach the point of a total nuclear meltdown.


I was kinda just waiting for Eljay to do that. glad he did too.


It was getting a tad out of my control, unfortunately. This’ll be best for everyone.

In the meantime, we have made some website adjustments to require more time spent on the website before participation in voting is possible. It will simply take people longer before they can vote, but it is still do-able. We encourage everyone to look at our topic about Trust Levels to find out what those requirements are.


Thank You


If you’re willing to listen to some criticism, I think you were contributing to the toxicness. Don’t be so quick to respond to the posts that are clearly not serious.


Forgive me, I have trouble reading between the lines sometimes when reading things in text, so I can easily miss sarcasm without any tone or body language to reference.

Also now I’m curious, which exact posts did I get r/whoooshed with?


So, uh… is there a plan to deal with that NSFW artist inciting a brigade?


What he did is not against our rules. We have made some website adjustments to require more time spent on the website before participation in voting is possible. It will simply take people longer before they can vote, but it is still do-able. We encourage everyone to look at our topic about Trust Levels to find out what those requirements are.