BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Because Nidhiki will have no custom parts making his art contest sorta pointless.

yes, Ignition Comics never look like set at all.

I think itā€™s probably similar to Helryx or Arthaka, which have only rules for masks.

I think a more common contest rule will be established in this Tuyet contest .

And thereā€™s still a lot of time left for nidhiki contestā€¦

Pretty sure the Hagah were only FFA because we know their build, and because TTV didnā€™t want to require entrants to get the torso pieces to enter. Neither of which applies to Nidhiki

Also 3d printed weapons are still allowed.

Youā€™re welcome. :stuck_out_tongue:


As I said before, thereā€™s been a lot of discussion about whether Tuyet is a metro build, but I think Iā€™ve actually seen Metru build Nidhiki a lot more than Metru build tuyet lol

Edit: I was going to add this on the previous post, but I accidentally wrote it. But luckily, I avoided the double post. lol

It also worked well for the Hagah because, regardless of which medium won, it would still need to be drawn/redrawn for the group shot.

For any ā€œsingleā€ character, though, redrawing a winning art entry would be kind of pointless, and the free-for-all format would introduce uncertainty in the contest timeline (not to mention the fact that some people might vote for one medium or another just to end the contest faster).

I think you and @TheJerminator are misunderstanding my argument here.

I brought up varying art styles as a defence for both an art and a moc contest.

An art contest is not excluisivly about deciding the true shape of an mask or a placeholder item on the respective moc but also a way to portray the character inuniverse in the winning artists art style.


No, not really the Hagah was one of a kind situation.

Well, my point (and I assume Jermā€™s) is that rather than having just one winner for the art contest, we could have multiple, maybe like three.

But the art contest is for that, to define the shape of a mask (or armor color in the Hagah case). The in-universe portray is just a bonus that not even every character have. The art contest for Nidhiki wouldnā€™t introduce new information to canon, making it kinda pointless.

I like that idea, MOC would end up been canon, and we could have some art to add to the characterā€™s gallery.

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No, not really thatā€™s just what people has made of it originally it was just intended as a way to let artist that work with different art mediums to compete as well with the intent that the art would be the representative image on the BS01 article.

However since none of the contests except the Hagah one prohibited the mask of their respective character from being changed and those character having had never before seen masks. Left artist with alot of freedom in terms of depicting new masks and in doing so used their entries to introduce new mask shapes. Because of this the art contest has become kinda synonymous with depicting new masks even though it was never its intended purpose.

we already have several different canon art styles (Miramax, which is lite canon, the comics, and the toys themselves) so I donā€™t see why we couldnā€™t canonize multiple pieces of art work of the same design.


It wouldnā€™t be pointless, because it is needed to balance the MOCist/artist input.
Multiple art pieces made canon based on the one winning MOC is an intereting idea and it might work (for Nidhiki only) - it might even further balance the input I mentioned.
Few iconic Toa Nidhiki scenes from the story could be chosen to be represented in the art portion. By that time, we will already have appearances for Tuyet and Lariska, both of which figure in important Nidhiki moments.

This way creative input will be balanced - even though artists wonā€™t add new information to the Nidhiki himself, they will have the opportunity to breath life into the iconic scenes which include him (and we will have plurality of artstyle as a bonus).


Great idea. What you wrote sounds a bit similar to the Certavus art contest- the canon design was the MOC, and then three art pieces were approved depicting the MOC design. Although, all those pieces only featured Certavus- the prospect of Nidhiki art that could include Tuyet, Lariska, etc is really intriguing.


Imagine if the contests had first, second, third art all canonised! Only major issue preventing this I can see is if people have different masks for their art.



I was going to suggest that shortly before the Tuyet contest (Iā€™ve actually suggested it before but I donā€™t think the moderators saw it). Having multiple art-pieces canonized could be the thing that would perfect the contests.

This might not necessarily a bad thingā€¦

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I donā€™t think the mask would really be an issue? As weā€™ve established thereā€™s no wiggle room, Nidhiki wears the same mask as Nuparu sans tubes.
Sure some artists may interpret the masks details differently, exaggerating certain details, modifying proportions, adding mouths etc.


But Iā€™d say the Bionicle canon already has a precedent set for differing art styles coexisting


I didnā€™t actually see this before. Iā€™m not opposed, this would be a neat way to let the community see their favorites canonized.

Except that it would somewhat defeat the point, especially in the case of unique Kanohi. The point isnā€™t for 5 different interpretations to complicate canon any further - itā€™s to agree on and canonize a respective design. 5 versions of the same character and appearance are all good to be sent through, as those are just different interpretations. But if they conflict, weā€™re muddying the water.

(Note: 5 is a figure of speech, itā€™s not a planned on number.)


Greg has said that the movieā€™s are semi canon especially in the apperances though. I get your point but its not neccesarily correct to say that both of those huna designs are canon. The one in the comics and on the set are canon and the movie one is semi canon. Either way it such a small difference between them that the movie one is still unmistakeably a great huna. So for every contest except for maybe the Toa Nidhiki one its gonna be a nightmare to get three artworks with similar enough masks to actually win with the current voting system.

Q: ā€œDo sets have the highest level of canonicity, or movie images?ā€
A: ā€œI consider sets to be highest, with movie images being an artistic interpretation of the sets, just as comic art is.ā€

This is the earliest answer to the question on what is canon from Greg that I could find its from 2008 but I found 3 or 4 other quotes fron 2009 and 2014 that echoes mainly the same sentiment.

I agree with Eljay. I was only talking about Nidhiki contest where there is no room for conflicting interpretations in the art. But I think others tried to apply it to other characters on the list, which was not my intention.

This can really be only done with Nidhiki (or potentially some characters on the as of now unknown 2nd list). And it would not only be a bonus, but also a counterbalance for the input of the artists who in case of Nidhiki, otherwise wouldnā€™t have much to do.


Oh I wasnā€™t clear, I did not mean different art styles, I meant entirely different masks, like in the Artahka contest, I loved the entries but even the top 5 had several different masks of creation. The mask would have to be locked in before in a hypothetical top 3 contest.

Now I canā€™t not hear Baneā€™s voice every time I read BOADH.
ā€œIf I take off that mask, would it hurt?ā€

Honestly while Iā€™d love a crud ton of Nidhiki art, I feel like Tuyet is more for that, being that she has like 3 different forms. As for stuff like Nidhiki Mid-Transformation, I think that could probably be either fan MOCs or a vanity pic in your entry, not a full art contest.