BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I was thinking of a swordfish sword but this is much cooler!

Barbed Broadsword Rule Discussion

“Empirical” isn’t a definitive answer.

This is also empirical.

It means they were identical at the time of Tuyet’s betrayal, but Dark Mirror Tuyet could easily have switched weapons at some point since.

This is untrue.

Bomonga and Kualus’s spears were only ever named in Dark Mirror, but it was confirmed elsewhere that they wielded spears in the prime universe:

Official Greg Dialogue | Page 181

You admitted yourself that Artakha’s hammer had canon backing. You can’t just ignore that.

This quote is often taken out of context. Greg had promised at least once before that her tool would be revealed, but then later said that he didn’t know what it was when asked. A promise to reveal the tool “when she appears in the story” is not necessarily indicative of him actually having anything planned.

Neither of these comparisons are accurate. The former was intended to convince others that they were seeing Alternate Tuyet, while the latter never actually happened (if it did, I would agree that Prime Tuyet definitely wielded it).

Ultimately, I feel like you’re misunderstanding the arguments being put forth by those who disagree with you:

Nobody is arguing for B. The argument is for a third option that you didn’t address: Tuyet’s weapon is unknown, and may or may not be the Barbed Broadsword. None of your points objectively disprove this option.

I should be honest with my intentions here: I agree with you that Greg almost-certainly intended for Prime Tuyet’s weapon to be the Barbed Broadsword, and I intend to prioritize entries that include it (assuming the rules even allow for its absence). However, I didn’t like it when the Hagah Contest made rules based on assumptions, and I don’t want it to happen again, even if I personally agree with this specific assumption.

The quote should also allow for just one spike per side, right? I wanted to go for a less-explicitly-evil design:

This is a neat idea as well.


DM wasn’t a serial, it was a podcast, meaning the capitalization was just from fan transcription, and isn’t valid evidence.

I think there’s a bigger question we need to ask. Rather than asking whether Prime Tuyet had the sword as her Toa Tool, we should be asking whether it’s an integral part of her appearance, because that’s what we’re canonizing, Tuyet’s appearance. The sword is not mentioned at all in TMDoTT, only possibly implied in RoS, and even in the AU is never actually wielded by Tuyet herself. Is it really such an important part of her character to have it be mandated if she was never described as wielding it, whether or not she had it at all?

This is kind of an opposite situation to Artakha, where he typically did not have weapons, but did wield a hammer when he appeared in story.


Hi, some replies before I was asked to upload my Toa Chiara

This is her, the rider of the storm. I finally decided to use blue-violet and light violet as purple like alternatives for blue and white respectively, with purple lightning details. Her weapon was called the “Lightning Javelin” by herself, just because it rhymes, sort of.

There’s no information on her Toa tools so I guess that’s open to the desginer’s free will.


Not sure, but nice design! I remember seeing a similar sword but can’t remember where.
I decided to try my hand at designing a Koa Sword, here’s the attempt:

I’m currently trying to get rid of the holes in the blade


I guess I can see that as blue and white. The darker lighting helps, I think.

The weapon is also pretty cool. The one thing I’m not quite sure of are the “lightning bolts” on her arms. Are they meant to represent energy, or are they actually physically part of her armour?

I’ve posted it here before. Maybe that’s where you saw it?


Oh no I was remembering this weapon, the Ikakalaka:

Megatron had one in the movies, so that’s where I saw it:

It’s still a great design you’ve made.


He had something planned: a story serial with Tuyet as the main villain, which he was two chapters into when he answered that question.

But even if he had no plans of ever featuring Tuyet: so what? He said he’d reveal her weapon when she showed up. And that’s exactly what he did.

This argument, IMO, is silly.

Let’s disregard all the other evidence for a moment. The “slashing attack”, the name debate, Greg answering questions about the weapon. Let’s ignore all of that, and state the very core of the argument:

Greg said he would reveal Tuyet’s weapon. Then he did.

Everything else just serves to prove that yes, the weapon he gave her is the weapon he meant to give her. But the simple fact is: he wrote that line to reveal Tuyet’s weapon, because people had been asking about it since 2007.

Tuyet’s weapon is known. It’s a Barbed Broadsword.

Now this… is a good question.

I would argue that yes, it is. It’s her Toa Tool of choice. It’s part of her character, just as a Scythe is part of Nidhiki’s character, and a Disk Launcher is a part of Vakama’s character. The fact that she wielded a Barbed Broadsword, as opposed to a set of hooks like Gali, or Hydro blades like Nokama, tells us something about Tuyet.


The fact that she was never shown in story wielding it tells us something about her character too. Here’s what I mean.

The primary purpose of Toa Tools is to focus and channel a Toa’s elemental power. This is why Toa Tools are important for the average Toa. Tuyet is not average, however. At some point in her history, she comes into possession of the Nui Stone, which can greatly increase her elemental energy, far more than a Toa Tool can.

Not that I hold to this, but it certainly could be argued that once she got the Nui Stone, she ditched her sword in favor of it. This would explain not only why she was never shown to wield the sword, but also why Makuta disguised as her had it in the AU.

But concerning the rules, I still firmly believe that the best course of action is allowing the sword, but not mandating it. The Nui Stone, however, should be mandated, because it is a far greater part of her character than the sword.


That doesn’t make sense. If she ditched it after getting the Nui Stone, why would Makuta disguised as her have it?

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I’m saying she ditched her sword as her primary Toa Tool, but she could’ve still had it in her possession somewhere. Perhaps upon creating her empire, she retired it to the Archives, where Makuta took it.

Again, not saying I think this what happened, just that it could’ve happened. This is pretty much the opposite situation of Artakha’s hammer, and is a reason to not have the sword mandated.

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Here’s the thing, Teridax didn’t know Takanuva was from another universe, so he used the form that Takua and Dume would be familiar with. It’d be pretty strange for him to wield a weapon that wasn’t frequently used or was cast aside years ago. But Takua and Dume didn’t say anything. Besides, why would Teridax want to let people know he was Teridax and not Tuyet? He used the form to hide who he was, so using an old weapon would’ve gave him away.

Additionally, I think the reason Tuyet didn’t use the BB in the main timeline is because of pride and thinking she was strong enough. She thought the Nui Stone was enough, got sent to jail and picked up another during her travel’s to the main MU. This is why the pit version doesn’t have one either.
Plus Lhikan and Dume probably thought giving a dangerous murderer a weapon in her cell was a bad idea.

Regardless of the specific possibility, the fact remains that her not ever being depicted with the sword in story is also important to her character. So again, the question must be answered: is the sword important enough for Tuyet’s character for it to be mandated, or is her not having it in story important enough for it to not be mandated?


I love the concept for the weapon. Let’s hope that they don’t sue us for using it :sweat_smile:


Considering Teridax thought it was important enough to include, I’d say it is. Tuyet may be more famous for the Nui Stone but as many have said above, a Toa Tool is something every Toa has and will have in the contests.


Just because it isn’t mentioned doesn’t mean she didn’t have it. She could have had it on her back, like other Toa carry their Toa tools.

(Honestly, I’d argue that the only reason she didn’t use it at the end of Dark Mirror is because her hands were full, with the Olmak and Nui Stone.)

And here’s the thing: when Greg was asked about her Toa Tool, he didn’t say “she doesn’t wield one, since she has the Nui Stone”. He consistently said that it would be revealed eventually.


Alternate Teridax thought it was important enough to include when posing as Alternate Tuyet.

Even if we assume that Prime Tuyet definitely had the Barbed Broadsword, @Dag is right; we never once see her use it, except for possibly a vague reference to a “slashing attack”.


An Alternate Tuyet that basically achieved Prime Tuyet’s greatest dream. If that Tuyet still wielded a Barbed Broadsword, it’s probably important to her.

We never see Artakha use that Hammer, either. And that wasn’t even a Toa tool, just a random hammer from his lab.


Why else keep a useless piece of metal when you have rock that makes you a god? It has to be sentimental value or at least something she vaguely likes.

It’s a no loss addition though. Nothing is lost from giving her it, while not giving her it means she has no weapon for any poses or situations outside of Nui Stone stuff. Pretty awkward if she’s fighting the Kanohi Dragon with Kung Fu while everyone else has a weapon.

“New Toa Tuyet with Kung Fu Grip Action!” "Really holds things"*
*May or may not grip things, as magnetic plates or hands might exist in your reality


There is no reason not to mandate the sword, because there is no benefit to having an appearance for Tuyet without her Toa tool, and these contests exist for appearance. All we get out of a weaponless Tuyet winning is not knowing what the sword looks like. Does anyone actually want to not know what the sword looks like?

Izzat a reference to the “do MU inhabitants have fingers” debate?