BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

That would be understandable if this was 100% impartial. But both Eljay and Meso voted for number 2, they (and perhaps other moderators) had a stake in the vote. If a vote just entered to vote for the entry, made no other posts, and was not under the same IP, I cannot see how one could disqualify their vote in good faith. They’d have abided by the rules completely.

I’ll stop discussing it here, as the votes are not presented yet and we should all wait and see. But certainly you can see why others would find that ominous, moderators with a stake in voting not revealing the methods in which they veto votes.

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Whatever the results let’s be civil and be thankful to ttv for hosting this contest


I feel like there’s a definite difference between having an entry they want to win and skewing the results.

What he said.


Our own votes does not mean the way that we evaluated the contest was skewed only to achieve our outcome.


What’s the difference exactly?

I have trust in TTV staff resolving everything fairly.


Skewing the results would be purposefully introducing a bias in the way the vetted the votes, which I am reasonably confident they didn’t.


Oh okay, I gotcha.

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Of course it does not, and I truly hope it isn’t. But certainly you can see why others would be suspicious. Moderators having voted for an entry that lost, then they perhaps announce results stating that they vetted the votes and, coincidentally, the vetting reveals that the one they themselves voted for is the winner.
I hope that you all resolved this fairly, and up until now I have greatly respected your reactions to the contest. Truly, I appreciate your efforts.
And I am, of course, inclined to agree with Solar.

But once the votes are revealed, and if they seem to favor what the mods voted for, and if the method the votes were veto’d on is unknown to the populace and cannot be scrutinied by a third party, I cannot blame others if they saw that as bias.

However, of course the best course of action is to be civil. Civility is the number one priority.


Not to be mean or anything but why would there be bias no one seemed to think there was any bias on the vetting of poll once? So I don’t really understand your point.

I can agree with how someone could draw that conclusion. But I would be more inclined to believe that kind of idea if something like entry 5 won the contest and that had been the one we voted for.


I was thinking a few days ago “you know, people could accuse just enough accounts as being dupes, and make whatever entry they want win. Not that I expect them to do that, but someone might.”

Then, like the naive human I am, I thought “nah, no one is gonna do that.”

And yet here we are.


Hoseryx probably wasn’t being taken as seriously, as it stood alongside another entry. Not to mention both winners of Once had four other creations to compete against. Nobody really paid it as much mind until it shot to first and the very real realization they would have to present it to Greg finally sank in. If they’re now being biased that is, just playing devil’s advocate.


To the staff,

It might be a good idea to release a list of removed votes, simply so those who had their votes accidentally removed can have that fixed.


For the record, my opinion expressed earlier goes unchanged even in light of recent events.

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So now that this situation is entirely set in stone, this has been on my mind.

As you may remember from our previous exchange, the moccer’s efforts was my most pressing concern. Regardless of who won the Helryx contest, no matter how much or how little effort was put into the moc itself, it still had to go through a gauntlet of voting brackets.

So my question is this: Will the moccer’s name and creation be shown at all in the Trivia/Gallery section of the BS01 page? This, I think, must come to pass and is pretty much non-negotiable. Credit should be given where it is deserved. The moc may not be canon, but the original “form”, if you will, of the canon art will at least have more clout by being on the bs01 page. It’s a far cry from having the moc and art be canonized side-by-side, but it is the very least that can, and must, be done. If I remember correctly, this has been done in the past but I want a straight answer and reassurance.


Yes, it will be.


If this is how things are going to be, then the rest of the contests should honestly be cancelled. There’s no point.

Feel free to elaborate. The other contests are not cancelled, and we’re obviously working on improvements.


I meant to say almost all, but I do think Darkness looks amazing. The Subterranean, while pretty gappy and awkward, at least had really great looking feet/eleg designs. Shadow Stealer, the one at the bottom, however is quite ugly. He looks like a mutant of some kind, but from what we know in the story he’s not been mutated. No offence to Aaron Cassity who created the MOC.