Am I really just reading this? What the actual…? Allowing 3D printing and painting in general is bad enough, but this…
We’re talking about MOCing contests here. Also with regards to what other people said above, what’s the point of a MOCing contest if not being able to replicate the builds with official parts in official colours which you can for the most part easily obtain for not too much money?
If you just want pictures for BS01, why not make it a pure artwork contest? Much more leeway there, much less costs involved for everyone and I’d also imagine not as many people would be fundamentally disappointed. Because you need to take liberties to translate art into MOCs and no one would actually expect artwork to be translatable into a physical model 1:1. Hence far more options for both purist and non-purist builds.
This is entirely true, but people don’t work that way. Especially the head/mask of a character is a very important, if not the most important detail. Might be just me, but I already see the community (figuratively) going to arms over the simple question over which mask a specific character should wear.
Best solution I can think of: Just don’t mention mask power anywhere for characters with an unknown one. That way people can decide each on their own what they want. Orde wears something that looks like a Sanok? Could be a Sanok. Could also be something else shaped like a Sanok. Toa Hagah? Well, we know their mask powers, but we don’t know if their masks’ shapes actually match the power. We don’t need to canonically know that. Everyone can decide that on their own.
Couldn’t agree more here.
Though that’s something we can only hope matters to enough people - I’m not saying that it has to matter to them, but I’d ask everyone to really consider this for themselves before any voting takes place.
For example imagine some video game series that’s been around for a while - first part decades ago was pixel art, most modern part is 3D 4k. How would it look if you put a character from the most recent game exactly the way they look into the first game? Would look weird, right? But what if you instead made a modern, much more detailed pixel art character and put it in the first game? Would work better, right?
Of course that’s an extreme example, but it’s the same core problematic. There are amazing modern MOCs around, which are worlds beyond anything we ever saw in G1. But they’re so good, they’d feel out of place back there. The goal for these contests in my eyes is to take modern building techniques we can pull off due to modern parts, mix those with old G1 parts and create a Technic-heavy G1 character which fits right into that world we all care for.