BIONICLE G1 Nostalgia Topic

~Note: This topic is about classic BIONICLE, not the new BIONICLE for 2015~

I realized me and my brother keep looking at the classic BIONICLE videos, and hyping ourselves until BIONICLE will be revealed at NYCC.

So, let’s discuss the nostalgia of BIONICLE, and remember the good old days of classic BIONICLE!


All hail the Makuta! May they never die!


Umm…okay. Last of the Makuta gone.

I loved the classic years. If anything is going to kill me about new BIONICLE it’s that new fans will never know the sacrifice of a lone Toa of Ice.


that was my greatest fear when I donned the Mask… Oh wait, I’m not Matoro anymore.


My Bionicle nostalgia- Solek (Yeah, I got in late)

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Wait…you used to be the user Matoro?

Gosh I need to keep track of these things better.

Seriously I’ve been planning some picture art of something involving a silver Tryna and some old BIONICLEs.


Did anybody else here get the first comic in the mail? That’s what began the long, slow process of me becoming obsessed with Bionicle.


Can’t say I did. When the first comic came out I was…
looks at year
About one year old.

Was it a long and slow process for you? For me it was kinda just,
gets happy meal
finds bionicle sets in a grocery store
signs up for lego magazine
looks online
becomes BIONICLE nerd for the rest of his life


At first I thought Bionicles looked kind of creepy/overly violent (keep in mind I was a sheltered 7 year old). But the first comic piqued my interest (that would be May of 2001 I believe), and I found out some other kids from my school were into it after summer break. Eventually (late '01 or early '02) I convinced my parents to by Turaga Onewa for me, and I thught he was awesome, and things kind of snowballed from there.


There’s too much to say in one post for me, considering I’ve been here from the start.

Nostalgia starts with bowling Pahrak-Kal into Lehrak :stuck_out_tongue:


Nostalgia starts where Teridax first met his end at the hands of the Toa Mata.

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My brother, ToaKylerak, was the one who was into BIONICLE in the early years. I was like, 4 years old when I got Huki, and that’s because we where in Europe and they still sold the baggies in 2003. ToaKylerak got Jala and Tahu, in which he both lost. Anyways, the first set I remember him having was Gahlok, followed by some of the Bohrok Va and Gahlok Kal.

I think I got into BIONICLE during 2004, when I was five. I got Toa Onewa and a red Vahki. In 2005, I got some of the Visorak and Hordika. I think Keetongu, which my brother got, was pretty cool.

I’ll talk about 2006 some other time, because that was my golden and favorite day of BIONICLE.


I used to get LEGO magazine and pretty much the only reason I got it was for the comics. xD And then every year when a new wave/story would come out I would reread all the comics…

I didn’t get the LEGO Club magazine till the time of the Glatorian line. Fortunately I got my first at the start of a plot line (Mata Nui landing on Bara Magna).

I was an issue late :T

Oh man, that stinks. I lost my #15, if that makes you feel any better. :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno’ about you guys, but I always “cry” at this part:


I have goosebumps, and I am crying
what more do you want from me :C


Makes me cry everytime.

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this music slays me