BIONICLE Headcanons

I do not remember who inveted this might have been @TheJerminator but I do love the idea that the being or should I say unbeing who broke the Red Star was dark hunter Senktrah.

He is neither alive nor dead. the even which transformed him killed him partly but red star could not handdle this information and over loaded itself.

another theory is by @ToaKebaka . They believe Marendar will attack Toa Tuyet first. She has the nui stone. Nui stone would shine like a light house to marendar and drawn him towards her.


This is always what I had imagined as well; the vast amount of toa power contained within the nui stone is the catalyst for Marendar’s awakening. I had always thought however that rather than attacking her out of nowhere Marendar approaches the group and claims Tuyet is too great a threat due to the power she wields. Tuyet being Tuyet attacks with the power of the stone as this thing would dare threaten a toa, and Marendar manages to hold his own, establishing himself as a powerful force.
Another point to consider is Helryx is a part of the group as well: another toa who has forsaken the code and has a questionable moral compass. They are literally the two worst examples for Marendar to first encounter, setting off his mission of salvation for the Agori.


Headcanon I am about to mention has been stated elsewhere and by lots of others as well, but I still like it and find it reassuring that so many others also came to the same headcanon.

Once the Matoran species meet the Agori, they decide no longer to stick to element specific genders when creating future new Matoran. (And possibly learn love)


Here’s a few headcanons for you.

Elemental color schemes

I don’t know what I’d “do” with this headcanon per se, but I’ve noticed that many or all of the non-Toa species we’ve seen have elemental color schemes. I first noticed this with Krekka, who has the colors of a Vo-being. Many - not all, but many - of the non-Toa sets that do not represent unique individuals have elemental color schemes, not just Krekka.

  • Krekka, as mentioned, has Lightning colors
  • Keetongu has Stone colors
  • Sidorak has Fire colors
  • Axonn has Magnetism colors (see next headcanon for more info)
  • Brutaka has Psionics colors
  • Takadox has Water colors
  • Kalmah has Fire colors
  • Carapar has Stone colors
  • Mantax has Earth colors
  • Ehlek has Air colors
  • Pridak has Ice colors
  • Nocturn has Plantlife colors
  • Hydraxon has Earth colors

A component of this headcanon is that Skakdi had elemental colors prior to Spiriah’s tampering with the species. Vezon lacks an elemental color due to being only half a Skakdi - Vezok got the elemental part.

The main “meat” of this headcanon is that, for unclear cultural reasons, species that are not elementally-aligned wear elementally-colored armor. There may be social functions related to armor color - for example, in the Steltian lower class, Lightning-colored armor may denote guards (which Krekka was).

Headcanons on noncanonical element colors

Since it was discovered that Sonics and Magnetism lack canonical color schemes, I’ve got my own ideas.

  • Sonics does have grey, so I thought yellow accents would go nicely with that, as it’s an underused color in BIONICLE.
  • Magnetism is completely noncanon. I like the idea that it could be red and white, for two reasons. For one, it matches some popular depictions of magnets, with red bodies and white poles. For another, it matches some of the other secondary elements - Lightning is blue-and-white, and Plasma is orange-and-white. It sets a precedent for secondary elements to have white as their secondary color. Now if only Sonics could be yellow-and-white, and Gravity purple-and-white. And Plantlife green-and-white.
Jovan's team

I like to imagine that the prototype Toa Inika seen in the German magazine are Jovan’s team, as well as the “Suletu”-wearer. Specifically, I think the “Suletu”-wearer is the one who carried the Kanohi Olmak.

Pics here

Dume is racist (how Metru Nui got depopulated)

Also, I headcanon Turaga Dume as racist. That’s just my half-inflammatory, half-funny way of setting up the actual headcanon here, which is that Metru Nui was once home to possibly millions of Matoran before the population began to decline sharply under Dume’s Turagaship. Before Dume, the city’s demographics were much more diverse, with not only Matoran of all Elements represented but even many of the other species of the Matoran universe. Dume made a number of bad decisions that severely affected the living conditions in Metru Nui. Chief among these missteps is the failure of the Kralhi, who were replaced by the equally ill-informed Vahki (to little effect - they still destroyed swaths of the city on a regular basis). We also don’t know how many Toa existed in Metru Nui at this time, if any, making it a pretty dangerous place on account of all the homicidal Rahi. The attack of the Kanohi Dragon was a freak accident that still made his approval rating decrease, and sent many of the survivors of the battle packing. Tuyet begins her murder spree after the Kanohi Dragon attack as well, making the city appear increasingly hostile. At this point, the Dark Hunters are really making their presence known, and, after the Toa-Dark Hunter War, the Matoran who haven’t already left of their own accord are expelled by Dume. In my headcanon, he prejudicially orders all non-Matoran and secondary element Matoran to leave the city, including the Toa Mangai’s Toa of Plantlife. He believes that they are not “chosen” by Mata Nui, and thus do not deserve to live in his city. A couple thousand years later, the First Rahi show up and trash the Archives, leading to more casualties and migrations out of the city. Finally, at this point, Teridax takes over for Dume, and nobody notices because Dume has been doing such a bad job. That’s when the Morbuzakh is released, pushing whatever Matoran are left towards the inner city, and killing many of them. Metru Nui started out with millions of beings and ended with perhaps thousands of Matoran. On top of all of this, once the Great Rescue happened, there were enough Matoran on Mata Nui that having many Koro in each Wahi was necessary, with small villages spread across the island. When the Rahi attacked, the Matoran in these small villages were either killed or forced back to the main Koro, with the villages falling into disrepair and ruin over time. That’s why Metru Nui seems to have so many more Matoran than Mata Nui - a lot of them straight-up died. We even see some Matoran die in Mata Nui Online Game - Jaller loses contact with the North March (which could have, at one time, been an extra-Koronan village), and, when we arrive, the outpost is deserted, implying that the Guards stationed there have been killed.

Why Marendar will abandon their purpose

This one is pretty much entirely written by Pack. He pointed out that a major running theme in The Yesterday Quest is the rejection of one’s social role and prejudged identity. Chiara is a Toa of Lightning who isn’t particularly friendly, unlike most Vo-Matoran. Zaria is a Toa of Iron who not only survived the genocide of Fe-Toa, but broke the Toa Code and killed a Makuta. Orde is the only Ce-Toa who isn’t female, and he failed at his job to pacify the Zyglak. Gelu was once a Glatorian, but abandoned his role to become a caravan escort. Even the Vorox Kabrua rejects his societal role, surprising the Yesterday Questers when he speaks. Pack’s theory says that Marendar, who we know is sapient, will realize that they do not want to kill Toa, and will reject their purpose and identity just like the other characters of the serial. I really liked this theory, so I adopted it as a headcanon of what would happen.

Misc headcanons
  • The map of the Matoran Universe shown in Makuta’s Guide to the Universe is so inaccurate because Teridax drew it himself based on info he’s overheard from the other Makuta. He was too prideful to ask them what their territories were like, or to ask for help on the map.
  • The Energized Protodermis Entity did not manifest until after the Glatorian discovered Energized Protodermis. In fact, the Energized Protodermis did not even realize that it was alive or sapient until after it observed other sapient beings.

I can totally see holding Tuyet by the throat in one hand and holding the nui stone in another while Tuyet desperately tries to reach it. Marendar snaps Tuyets neck and crushes the nui stone under his iron heel. Or he first crushes the stone and then kills tuyet.

Excelent way to show Marendars threat to heroes. Seemingly most strongest toa was no match for them. also a major character death. Plus she totally deserves to see her hopes and dreams to die.

very intersting head canons. I believe protodermis entity might have been a item or a being whose destiny was to infuse with the liquid and become sentient.

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I like this part of the theory; from a world-building perspective, it never really made sense to me that there would be six “main” Elements; one would think that they would all be represented fairly evenly.

Perhaps Dume heard legends of the Toa Mata and decided that those six Elements should be the only ones allowed in his city. It would explain why the three main Toa Teams throughout the story all had the same Elements; the Toa Mata were more or less randomly chosen from the fifteen possible Elements, and then the Toa Metru and Toa Mahri were created from segregated populations based on that random choice.

Now, I’m not sure if I like the idea of Dume somehow being a bad leader (he always seemed pretty competent to me), but it would certainly make sense based on what you’ve said.

Even without reading the explanation, I support this theory. I’ve always wanted to see Marendar acting as an actual character, rather than a mindless drone. While there are multiple different ways this could be shown, having Marendar act against its purpose would certainly be the best way to show it.

The themes and explanation behind the theory just make me want to see it even more.

This might actually be canon. Greg has implied on multiple occasions that Energized Protodermis might not have always been sentient/sapient:

I also like the theory of the mangled Matoran Universe map being an in-universe approximation.


Yeah, this was me.


I prefer to think that the story ended with the 2010 ending. I just wanna ignore the weird serials where random characters were revealed to actually not be who they seemed cough, Velika, Ancient, cough


I like to imagine that many of the GSR inhabitants were well and truly star struck at just how vast the planet of Spherus Magna was in comparison to their old homeworld. A planet so unbelievably massive as to seem infinite in its scope that many look back at the GSR and can’t help but to develop a sense of claustrophobia in regards to it.


Some day I shall through the power of magic alter the canon to allow for non psionics secondary element matoran not stated to only be one gender in mainline story material to have a 50/50 gender split

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I mean, that wouldn’t really contradict canon… check out my favorite Greg quote right here:

Nothing intrinsic connects gender and element. While no genderlock-breaking characters appeared in the story materials, it would not contradict canon to feature them.


ye so it’s iffy anyways that works. now the hard part is I will now need to write around what little we know about nocturn. I was gonna give him a backstory as a matoran shot with a reconstitute at random disk but apparently an entire species that looks like him exists


In my head canon there is a lot of or a decent amount of variety inside species of matoran universe.
For example Brutaka, Nocturn, Axonn, Krekka are part of their own species.

I assume Brutaka could be an exceptional member of his species. a little bit taller and smarter etc. Heck many of his speices might not even be warriors but merchants, scholars, villagers etc.

I assume Krekka is an above average in strenght when compared to others of his species. He survived an encounter with Gorast, not a small feat. Heck he could be smarter/dumber than they are. It would be nice to know a slave species is not made solely of dumb members if you catch my meaning.

I assume Nocturn too was a special memeber of his species. they all have 4 arms but nocturn was stronger and clearly more mad than they were.

The shadowed one species is made of very different inviduals, Tyrant, Conjujer, Ancient and TSO himself. Why others couldn’t have same kinds of in species differences too?

Kalmah: what did he break?
Taxadox: The island

I assume their population has decreased substantially


I mean I made nocturn as just a part of his species and not his own thing of a random matoran reconstituted work well enough in what I was writing anyways. as for nocturns species they are all amphibious according to bs01 so presumably they would be fine without an island

here is the end result of the thing I wanted to do with nocturn lol


I liked the line “force of psionics would have fried any more intelligent being” XD

Your head canon?: intelligent beings are more vulnerable to spychic attacks? Could work in some situation as “one can’t break anything if there is nothing much to break” lol

But in the end I think Nocturn would be hurt and baddly but with determination he managed to attack anyway.

but still cool line


I think the point is that nocturn was just dumb already so it did not do much. the lobotomy part was more hyperbole lol

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dont wanna even think about it tbh.


makuta could have made horcruxes??


tbh it probably evaporated or died off.


New, small headcanon: y’know how the Makoki Stones had the Toa’s names on them during 01? The Turaga chiselled those into the stones themselves.


When Zaktan fully turns into a swarm, his Zamor Launcher goes to the same place Optimus Prime’s trailer goes when he transforms.