BIONICLE Headcanons

since Orde and Helryx both wield maces, i believe that all “ancient” toa use some form of mace, be it a flail or a pointy thing on a stick

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Orde doesn’t wield a mace in my headcanon so that he isn’t so similar to Helryx

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I’ve always wondered if this was intentional on Greg’s part.

Probably not, but it’s still a nice coincidence.



the core war saw the inhabitants of spherus magna go from fully organic beings to half-mechanical, constantly adding and replacing pieces to compensate for the climate and the war/give themselves additional strength. when the great beings saw this, they theorized a being made mostly of metal would be less susceptible to bladed weapons, and so gave the early toa weapons better for crushing and cracking opponents as opposed to slicing and dicing.


The Great Beings watched the Prequel movies and really liked Windu.


not all of the makuta, besides miserix, are dead. some went into hiding after teridax achieved godhood, knowing they would be betrayed and targeted.

in fact, some may be on the red star if they died before the makutas’ evolution to energy forms


This makes a lot of sense for Matoran Universe weapons in general, not just early Toa.


I believe that the Mask of Undeath is sometimes forged with darkened lenses covering the eyes. This gives the appearance that the user is dead, which gives users a combat advantage when opponents are not initially sure whether they are dealing with a living opponent or not. In my head, I also prefer to think that the energy a wearer can choose to set aside to reanimate their corpse is not limited to a little - if they set aside a LOT of energy, they can be reanimated with terrifying strength, in addition to feeling no fear or pain.


This would be neat to see in a story: a weak hero who returns as an undead, unbeatable adversary of the villains. I like your idea!


This is actually canon (in at least one case):


My headcanon regarding regional elemental colourschemes: orange and purple for Onu-Matoran are not only exclusive to Metru Nui/Mata Nui, but also correspond to the Matoran’s status/occupation - orange for high ranking miners and engineers and purple for archivists, guards and members of the Ussalry (the exception being Akamu the Crafter). Farshtey has mentioned the possibility of differences in colours between regions, with regard to yellow as a regional colour for stone (Official Greg Discussion | Page 175), although there were very few non-Metru Nui Onu-Matoran introduced post 2004 (Garan being the only one with a visual representation), so we can’t say for sure. Besides that, my reasoning is also subjective - I believe orange and purple (plus black) should be exclusive to the elements of Plasma and Gravity to avoid confusion.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the “plot holes” around the Makuta’s powers could be fixed if Shapeshifting was treated as a standard kraata power, rather than being an additional power that the Makuta have on top of their kraata powers. That is to say, if the Makuta had to maintain concentration to keep their shapeshifted form, and couldn’t use another kraata power simultaneously.

The two “plot holes” I am most referring to are two questions that were asked of Greg a while ago, asking why the Phantoka Makuta couldn’t shapeshift themselves new eyes, and why a Makuta couldn’t shapeshift to seal a breach in their armour. Greg’s current answers basically amount to “because they can’t”, but if Shapeshifting was treated as a standard kraata power, it would mean that they could, but it would require constant concentration, and that they would be limited to hand-to-hand combat.

Along this line of thought, this change to Shapeshifting could also include a change in how their Shadow Hand Absorption works. Currently, the Makuta simply use the excess mass to change their shape as they see fit. I would propose, however, that the beings they absorb instead cause permanent changes to their “base shape”, which can then only be changed by shapeshifting and maintaining concentration.

The neat thing is, there are actually a couple of times throughout the story where this does seem to be the case.

The first is during the Metru Nui arc, when Teridax absorbs Nivawk, Krekka, and Nidhiki. Teridax gains Nivawk’s wings, and The Shadowed One is able to recognize parts of his Hunters in Teridax. This similarity to my theory continues when The Shadowed One slices off Teridax’s new wings, and he is apparently unable to regrow them.

The second instance is in The Kingdom, when Alternate Teridax’s new form is described as being an amalgam of various Makuta.


At least for sealing breaches in their armor, I never saw this as a plot hole, but rather describing the topological limitations of Shapeshifting.

For example, a mug and a donut are considered topologically identical because they each have one through-hole.


Basically, shapes are considered topologically identical as long as you don’t make cuts, tears, or through-holes where there previously weren’t any, or vice versa, removing a cut, tear, or through-hole where there was one previously.

For Makuta, a breach in their armor would mean they now have a through-hole in it where there wasn’t one previously. They can’t mend it with Shapeshifting because that would require changing their topology, which Shapeshifting can’t do.

That’s been my thinking, at least.


That’s a super cool idea, and I think that limitation works way better than my idea. I just wonder how it would impact their shapeshifting abilities in other ways.


third stage cup to donut transformation unnerves me


I was under impression that Makuta could not grow new eyes since they were artificial eyes.

When they became gas like substance makuta lost their physical bodies and were forced to inhabite a suit of armor. The suit of armor had artificial eyes acting as monitors for the makuta essence.

When matoro used ignika it fried these optics and makuta did not have materials or knowhow to replace them in karda nui. In order to see the essence would have to open holes to the armor but this would be suicidial.

Makuta can still grow wings and teeth since they are silmple enough extensions and familiar to them since they are rahi creators.

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I suppose you’re correct, that eyes may be too complicated to mold their armor into.

Now I’m trying to remember if we ever saw a Makuta gain eyes when shapeshifting, but nothing is immediately coming to mind.

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I asked about eyes a year or so ago and that was the answer I was given by the community.

It could be still that plot holes make people to make headcanons.

Another head canon.

I bealieve Great beings found a way to use energisized protodermis to produce protodermis from air or from other abumdant resources. They couldn’t reasonably mine it or synthesize it otherwise during a warnwhen 90 percent of infrastructure is in war.

The builder of the Toa Canisters is named Bob.


Actually he’s named after Bob Thompson and his name is Bompson