Please leave your thoughts. Comments and Criticism is appreciated.
Wait, the rookie of the team just killed/tried to kill a Makuta?
And still. A nerve can’t be killed.
It’s not a Makuta. It’s a Dark hunter.
Sorry. Let me try it again.
Wait, the rookie of the team just killed/tried to kill a Dark Hunter?
He’s not dead. Just in surgery. And then immediately fights someone out of anger and stupidity and pure strength.
Yes, but it seems kinda out of character for Pokuro (that’s his name, right?).
Yes his name is Pokuro. But this is in character. Just because he questions a lot of things. Doesn’t mean he won’t Jump at the opportunity to do something meaningful. Like beating a dark hunter working for a Makuta. Also he was pretty angry about getting knocked over a bunch so he wasn’t thinking as clearly as usual.
In this 5 episodes I formed the impression that Pokuro is the… Furno of the team. But like Furno from HF, he would not go that far in killing the villain. Anyway… Maybe ep. 6 will prove me that I’m wrong.
Ep 6 is a “villain” ep. It shows what happened to Sharp after his surgery. And Pokuro, while a “rookie” character is almost nothing like Furno.
When I say Furno I mean a rookie that wants to show his potential. Pokuro gave me the impression that he is like that.