Bionicle MOC - Firefly: The Acid Drone

So this is Firefly, or a firefly rather. I like to imagine that there would be lots of these and they would travel and attack in swarms. Anyways this thing was something i made at 4am one night after i had dismantled my mahri hahli revamp. And hence, its pretty freakin weird.

Head closeup

So gangly

Side view

Arm closup

Ye so thats uhh… this thing, hope you all like it. Also I’m on instagram now so if you feel so inclined you can find me there :ok_hand:


It would be cool if you made it more like a firefly and incorporated a light brick somewhere, and great work as usual. I love that head design.


The head looks great and I love the dripping effect you managed to create

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This thing looks so adorable, I love how you made the head


@Ace @DannyBoyy @BioKnight thanks guys glad to hear you all like it so much, and yeah i think the head is my favourite part too

It feels too gaunt and gangly, and the face just doesn’t look right. The rest of it looks fine though.

Gaunt and gangly is kinda what i was going for, it is an anthropomorphic insect afterall

Creepy. Insects are some of the most interesting yet most creepy creatures out there, and this thing captures that aspect.

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While it’s not too firefly-like, I do generally enjoy the dripping elements and the head design. I also like the whole gangly appearance of it; how creepy it makes the drive look.

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Thanks man, the name came second, and i ended up calling it that because of all the neon greenish yellow on it and yhe way it looked like it was glowing. But yeah its not the most fitting name. An alternative name was gonna be parasyte

This is a pretty unique and cool rahi/drone/thing! The build is a bit uncanny, but it looks great nonetheless.