Bionicle Moc Rahi Skull Ape

on the Iland of ToraKota there exist a creature that is so unstable in its elements that they are multicolored these are the skull ape’s.

Because of there unstable nature they can live almost any where on ToraKota but they are most seen with in the jungle’s of ToraKota or at the mountains.

When calm the blade’s on there backs are folded down and there arm claws folded back, but when they get angry or stressed they can go into a berserk mode where the claws and blades all show up and they get agresive.

it is said that the skull on a skull ape determins how old they are or who is the leader of a grupp, silver is said to be a sign of the leaders and strongest within a skull ape pack.

They eat almost most fruits and berry’s but also other Rahi like the Ruruno or Rahi fish as well as skull spiders.
Villagers from the Iland of ToraKota all know that if one spots a skull Ape it is better to stay hidden and sneak away as fast as they can befor spoted.

what the skull ape’s really are has been lost in the sea of time, but there is a legend that state that they where the first living creature’s to arive on ToraKota after it was formed.
they where named skull ape’s by the villagers because of there skeleton and hollow look and because they use the legs from skull spiders as decoration on there heads making it look like they are controled by the skull spiders they feed oppon.


Not sure if I can get behind this one. It looks real spindly, and the colors are pretty scattered.


I like the idea, but it’s a bit gappy.

I like the concept, but am not a big fan.

It looks to much like a frame and needs a more concise color scheme.

This is awkward in sooo many ways…not bad, just really really awkward in the shaping and color