Here ya go! I put him in a cave because… reasons… I’m not too sure myself. Must be that Pakari… Nice MOC!
@Willess12 You’re next!
Here ya go! I put him in a cave because… reasons… I’m not too sure myself. Must be that Pakari… Nice MOC!
@Willess12 You’re next!
these are all utterly fantastic
i’d love it if you could do this:
now just go nuts with this thing
do whatever you want to do with it
even if it doesnt make sense
Thanks so much man! It looks awesome!
whoa, that one looks amazing
Make it MLG.
Like Tamaru.
Are you still taking requests?
@Ghost8o Yes, sorry I’m a bit behind
@Political_Slime Here it is!
Could you maybe provide a clearer picture with a solid background? This one is a bit blurry… Thanks!
Sorry that I have been inactive for a bit, but I have been busy with my Tahtorak MOC. Regular posters resume now.
Nice MOCs! I’ll get on them shortly…
@Gresh113 Could you maybe provide a less blurry image? It seems like the camera shook a bit…
@TFM101 Is a pink mountain with a pink sky ok?
Well, well, well… these are beautiful!
How about transforming this photo into an image of beauty?
Yes, it does.
Here’s ol’ Pinky in a post-apoc Candyland. I read pink area, saw in my mind post-apoc Candyland… Sorry if this isn’t what you were wanting, but I had lots of fun making it!
Holy cow. I-I can’t even. It looks so realistic and epic! I could see this as being the box art for the MOC if it became a set! I shall make this my desktop wallpaper. Love how you made the claws, feet, and tail dig into the sand. The glowing eyes and the smoke really convey a very powerful and energized look for this creature. The electrical bits on the spikes were a nice touch. Keep up the good work!
One minor nitpick is the white spot around his hind leg on the right (between the leg and the claw).
Also, the one for @TFM101 was very creative!
Here ya go! Thanks for the clear picture with a plain background, it helped so much!
@Willess12 You’re next!