Bionicle self MOC: Boltrax (Bythalis), Toa of Lighting V2

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! So, I just realized (obviously) that I haven’t post my self MOC Boltrax (aka Bythalis). This is his 2nd version of him, he has now three forms following up with my fan fiction biography of him. So, let’s start it, shall I show you, Boltrax (Bythalis), Toa of Lighting! :smile:

1st form:

2nd form:

3rd form:

Electro Hurricane:

Note: There are some slight updates about Boltrax, so there are some big differences comparing to the original information and my self MOC. Mainly the information had some gaps that didn’t opened an idea, so I decided to update it. Also I gave for Boltrax an “original” name, Bythalis, which is a former name of Boltrax. The reason why I included that name is Boltrax name was kinda a bit modern-ish name, and Bythalis sounds a bit ancient type of name. Secondly, he has three forms, the first one captures the look of Boltrax’s Matoran weapons/tools. Thirdly I made the tech specs a little bit easier (which is an idea from Transformers tech specs). So anyways, this is a big update for Boltrax.

Name: Boltrax (Bythalis)
Gender: Male
Age: 28,500 years
Element: Lighting

1st form:
~Stone Axe
~Rock Shield
~2x Non-modificated SMGs

2nd form:
~Lightning Katana
~Metal Nunchaku
~4x Shuriken stars
~2x Kunai knives
~2x Volt SMGs

3rd form:
~4x Lightning Katana
~Spinable Tetra Machine
~Metal Nunchaku
~4x Shuriken stars
~2x Kunai knives
~2x Volt SMGs
~2x Shock Mines

Mask: Kanohi Ilikari, Mask of Impacts

The Mask of Impacts is the close-combat type mask. The user can use Ilikari’s ability either inner way or outer way and it can be used only on user’s arms. The inner way close-combat can create impacts and can damage target’s inner structures, however if the user punches in the outer way, he/she can create an great impact and damage a target to fly away with a great speed.
Depending on the user’s close-combat power, he/she has to be careful for not using too much Ilikari’s ability, otherwise the user damages own arm, break the arm, or worst of all, an explosion on own arm due to for the great deal of damage how hard user punches.

Group: Iron Saber Resistance Team (ISRT)
Status: Alive
Occupation: Guardian (“Vo-Matoran”), Toa
Species: “Vo-Matoran”
Location: Metru Nui (Toa Empire Alternate Universe)
Title: The Flash, Toa of Lighting

MOC status: Assembled

The Creators created originally Bythalis to be as Po-Matoran, but there has happened a mistake by The Creators. They accidentally gave him lightning element instead stone. There was no cancellation and the only way is leave him as “Vo-Matoran”.
Bythalis was once a guardian, now he is known as a Toa of Lighting. During in his universe, there was a civil war, a war against a group of peripheral Po-Matoran and Toa who didn’t accept any other Matoran to come there. During at civil war, Boltrax became a Toa at the last moments of his people dying in war. Boltrax carried Stone Axe, Rock Shield and two ordinary SMGs for a combat. Seeing a battle for the first time, he realized that killing is terrifying, but there were none of the other choices than fight against them. Unfortunately, he thought that he could use his Stone powers, he was wrong. He had no Stone element and wondered, why it wasn’t possible to use Stone power.
One day, he considered about his element. He had no idea why it wasn’t possible to use Stone element. He asked one of the shamans why he didn’t have his own element like the other Po-Matoran. The shaman meditated, and found a problem, Bythalis didn’t have Stone powers. Bythalis was shocked, but the shaman had a solution to find his true element. The shaman suggested to him that he had to find the mystical mist forest to meet The Zanshei*. (*The Zanshei is a twisted word from sensei term)
After the long journey, Bythalis found a mystical mist forest, there he lost, but found it quickly The Shrine, there he met The Zanshei. Most of a time, Bythalis was too spontaneous and asked too much questions. He also tried for the first time many martial arts, but failed most of a time. The Zanshei taught Bythalis that he has to be focused and use common sense, and not being short-tempered Toa. There, Bythalis realized why he failed most of a time. Much later he learned new martial arts little by little, learned to focus in order to find his inner “Me”. Bythalis finally realized that the common sense helps his mind, and became more level-headed Toa. Finally The Zanshei’s meditating ability revealed to Bythalis that his true element is Lightning. Bythalis was surprised that he is the only “Po-Matoran” who has Lightning element.
At one battle, the wormhole appeared from nowhere and sucked him to another alternate dimension called Dark Mirror. When he fell from the sky from the wormhole, damaging his spine caused an amnesia and almost a death for him. Fortunately three mysterious figures appeared and took him to their hideout, far from the core of Metru Nui. Bythalis was repaired, but he didn’t remember his own name and they have implanted their own engine to his back. The forgetfulness Bythalis asked his own name (due to the amnesia and this caused to him being more sensitive and even more spontaneous, but on a positive side he’s still a reasonable and kind Toa) from Hre’zrak, Leader of ISRT, Hre’zrak told him that his name is Boltrax. He is their possible warrior to fight and end empire madness. Boltrax is one of the members of Iron Saber Resistance Team.

“I prefer close-combat with my Lightning Katanas than long range type weapons.”
-Boltrax (Bythalis)

Bythalis was in his own universe spontaneous and foolish Toa, but when he met The Zanshei, he learned to be more reasonable and focused person. In Toa Empire universe, Bythalis also known as Boltrax is silence most of a time, but sometimes he is talkative person when asking from him something. And other times he arses around. Most of a time he works with the others but sometimes he works alone when he feels it. Boltrax’s most comfortable friends are Alarha and Olarokh, but not so cooperative with Hre’zrak and Vahlrog.

Powers & Weapon(s)/Tool(s)
Bythalis (Boltrax) used in civil war two non-modificated SMGs, one Stone Axe and one Rock shield. He left the original weapons in The Shrine for no longer to use them, instead of them, he wielded one Lightning Katana and the other mini weapons and two modificated Volt SMGs. After the event where he flew from wormhole and fell from the sky. Causing a serious damages to his spine, ISRT members repaired him and implanted a Spinable Tetra Machine to his back. Boltrax wields three extra workable Lighting Katanas swords and Shock mines, and has same mini weapons with him.
He can absorb, control and even create lighting. He can also perform “Thunder Run” when he absorbs enough lighting, he can use absorbed lighting for supernatural run. He can even perform Electro Hurricane, where instead using his arms, he uses his legs and spins with his two Lightning Katana swords attached to his feet. His most painful technique is Lighting Bulletstorm, It is the technique that he has to be very careful, he combines with his absorbed lightning and his Mask of Impact’s ability, to create dozens of painful lightning punches to the target. This may cause some damages on his own arm, but rarely he breaks his arms, that he has to be recovered.

Strength: 7.8/10
Speed: 8.2/10
Skill: 10/10
Agility: 10/10
Endurance: 7.5/10
Intelligence: 7.4/10
Rank: 7/10


Very nice.

Keep up the great work!


It’s beautiful (will give more comments later)

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Coolio, Coolio, Coolio,


But seriously it’s amazing.


I like that you made custom arms this time. That was one of my only problems wth your past mocs. Looks really incredible! Keep up the great work :smiley:

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Legs are a bit too chunky.

Other than that, great MOC.

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Whoa. That looks awesome. Not the cleanest MOC I’ve seen, but still impressive nonetheless. Though I think you went a bit overboard with the weapons and technic/system details…it makes it look kinda messy.

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I love your MOC, mostly because the impressive design looks like something that would come straight out of a Bionicle Anime!

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no really man. great work.

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Complex, well armored, no gaps, everything is custom, consistent color sceme, 9.9/10.

I would rate it a ten, but I don’t think there will ever be a 10 :smiley:

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I’ll bet that isn’t even his final form! Great MOC!


Aw man, a how-to on those legs would be much appreciated. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is an amazing MoC. Better than I could ever make. 10/10 for sure.

Wow I bet he is really useful at making movies…cuz he’s a Toa of LIGHTING.


This is a nice MOC tho.

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