These are only the proto types. Now that i dont have a time limmit on making them, im going to make some offical ones as well as an Umarak and an Ekimu. I should have used a “mat” (hopefully i spelled that right) spray paint to asire that the gold gets in all the corners of the masks. Something for next time i guess. Ik Kopaka’s is a bit crooked and Pohatu’s is kinda hard to see but the new ones will be much cleaner. Hope you like them. I worked very hard on them and im so happy I can finally show them off. I will respond to any feedback you guys might have.
the weakest thing is the printing on the chests, since they are just a picture of the chest they had on JTO, they dont really fit with the rest of the figure, some of them like kopaka’s are not even in the right angle, maybe someone could make a custom print for the bodies which would fit better
yup, it was a very rushed process in making them. like i said i made them for the Brickonicle contest and really just wanted to get them done in time for the contest. just wanted to show them off. im acctually working on some new ones and an ekimu minifig aswell.
@Brunamal I litterally took them strait from the Journey to one and screen shot the best front angles i could of all of the toa. Then using microsoft paint, i cropped them into minifig torso size and printed them on some printer paper. After that i just cut them and glued them on the appropriate torso’s. Any one could do it!
@BBricks I spray painted 6 Hero Factory Breez masks and went over the ends with the appropriate crystal color for each toa with acrylic paint. Then i went over the acrylic with gorilla glue to give it a glossy feel and look.
@Rockho I had a lot of differnt ideas and for a fee of them i was dwitching between master weapons or uniter weapons. Im pretty happy with the weapons for now.