Here you can put all your tradeable/sellable(is that even a word?) Bionicle related items, if you are trading notify that you just want to trade (example: trade: item A), if you want to sell notify about it as well (example: sell: item B). If you have multiple items and you want to either sell or trade one of the many notify about it too (example: trade/sell: item x and y)
Moved to B/S/T
In need of a Lihkan mask. Anyone own one?
what’ll you give for one?
Anybody got bionicle sets to sell for sheap?
I don’t think I need any sheep…
unless it’s this kind.
Those horns are worth a lot
Oops xD
Anyone have titans for sale, I would buy some for 10-15 dollars each
dude no one is going to give your titans for that cheap
Cant hurt to ask
I’ll buy cheap 01 Kanohi masks.
Looking for toa mata onua and kopaka
I am looking for one of these:
Sealed in box.
I know there is one on ebay but I don’t have $250.
Does anyone have any “go-to” sites for bionicle besides bricklink and ebay? Or any things i could go to that could likely have g1 sets? I’d love to know
Looking for a reasonably priced hydraxon or maxilos and spinax
I really love the mahri titans