BIONICLE TTV Continuation Sign-Up Topic

Want to pitch in with the continuation project? Just say “I’m in” to sign up!
More info about continuation project:


I’m in. Set designer and story builder at your service.

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Sign me up as set designer

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I think we need this. The other topic is too chaotic and busy.

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I’m in as a set designer.

Sign me up as a writer/illustrator.


Signing up for little bit of the story since I got some great ideas. And sign me up for set design.

#Set design,or
#early story development

##Im in

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I’ll sign up for concept art and ideas.

Hold your horses, guys! We just need people to sign up! We’ll assign roles later. This is an overwhelming response.

Is this project gonna stay exculsively within the confines of a PM? Will completed projects pop up on the surface boards?

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maybe we shouldn’t have people doing 2 things since it takes away some work others want to do

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Who is assigning the roles?

Well, I think it’s better if people say what they’d like to do before they sign up. This way you can choose people better.

We’re getting these things sorted out. All we need right now is for people to sign up, then we will plan out the roles and how we can execute this project.[quote=“Altair, post:17, topic:26911, full:true”]
Well, I think it’s better if people say what they’d like to do before they sign up. This way you can choose people better.

Alrighty, that’s a good idea, but I prefer not to make people choose their roles just yet so we can balance the amount of people it takes for one role. For example, if we just gave the roles that people wanted, we would end up with 10 designers and 1 writer, or something along the lines of that.


first come first serve oh and lets not use this topic for discussion but only for sign up now

That’s an idea I’ll take into consideration. Some point around the next few weeks I’ll probably start up a role assignment topic once we get concrete roles down and we’ll pick the people who want it first there.

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People who have signed up here:
