Bionicle What If?

So, let us ponder the question BIONICLE What If…? Post your ideas about the story of bionicle gen1 or 2 but, with one little difference. I shall begin with: What If…? The toa were never a force for good? Similar to Toa Empire except for one crucial fact (actually a couple) Tuyet and Nidikhi are good, Iruini is a Mass Murderer and Norik is his right hand man, everybody hates the toa, who, like in Toa Empire, a well Empire is formed by Iruini with the hand of Artahka, the dark hunters, the league of six kingdoms, and the brotherhood of makuta, in this reality the order of mata nui doesn’t exist, since Iruini stabs Helryx through the chest before she can, and he also kills the toa mata and turaga dume, as well as Zaria. but, as in Toa Empire, a resistance arises, this time led by Krakua and they eventually… all die, unlike Toa Empire, what a terrible ending.


this sounds interesting
I may add something.

This is a little similar to this one (Alternate Universe Concepts) that has still had activity recently, so this may get shutdown


No it won’t

Shouldn’t have @'d him

Also I already flagged the topic

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you have made a very powerless enemy, Thank you, come again (you jerk)

Do to it’s similar to another topic, so this one has to be close, & @Voidwalker5567 being careful of what you say or you will get the boot.