Bionicle Wiki Discussion: Biosector01 Vs Bionicle Wikia

But you can’t just make something up and pass it of as fact… especially in an argument…


ok thanks…

Guys, I found something that BIONICLE wiki has that BS01 doesn’t

It has quite a bit more information than it’s BS01 counterpart.


It feels like a personal attack because I said 90% of everything mentioned. They basically made it sound like I was saying something completely different from what I was, then called my opinions and ideas ridiculous, then laughed at them. They didn’t mention me by name, but laughed at my ideas on a very public media outlet, which is very insulting. When they brought up mentioning the Wikia (my idea), Var and Kahi were laughing harder than the “Crotch-Cloak” part. Even if I wasn’t mentioned, they still insulted my ideas and opinions, and since I was the only one with those ideas and opinions, it felt personal.


It’s not the people they’re laughing, it’s the argument some people are making. Which honestly, me and my friends were laughing at long before TTV was. The arguments some have taken are in many ways unfair towards TTV and outright ridiculous.
I think TTV, like me and my friends, are just laughing at the arguments some of you are using, they’re not laughing at anyone personally. There is a big difference.


I read the wikia a while ago and the lesovhik page was way off. I haven’t really touched it since except once this argument broke out. I found BS01 a few months ago and I’ve been using it for my needs. I’m still not choosing a side but I’ll go with BS01 for now.

I hate this too.



I used to use the Bionicle Wiki at first because it was the first result in the googles. It was only after someone mentioned BS01 that I looked at it, and I have never used the Wiki as a primary source since. I do have to say that BS01 can be a bit hard to use when looking for something that I know little about, but imo, the Wiki is just as bad. The infinite ads on the Wiki make it hard for my NEW computer to navigate at a reasonable speed. I will still use the Wiki as a secondary source, but BS01 is my first stop every time.

EDIT 1: Also, the Wiki’s “monthly featured ____” haven’t been updated in many, many months.
EDIT 2: The links on the Wiki’s front page lead to errors that say the articles do not exist.
EDIT 3: The formatting code in some of the Wiki’s articles is broken, leaving it incredibly hard to read.


I’ll let people like Kahi, Eljay, and Var respond since they were the most vocal about this but I do feel like at least posting and saying something. I just want you to know that it wasn’t anything personal, if we felt like mentioning you personally we would’ve used your name. You’re not the only one thats commented on this subject (you’re not even the topic starter), we were addressing the issue on a broad scale, not strictly any one singular person’s opinions on the subject. You’ve contributed a lot to the discussion, so naturally some of your points would be addressed as well.

I do apologize if you felt offended or insulted though, because that wasn’t our intent. :stuck_out_tongue:



Okay, now you’re just being ridiculous.

First of all, notice how we did not mention you nor anyone else by name. If we intended it to be personal, surely we would address you directly in the public eye. You fussing about it here draws attention to your views and opinions. Keep that in mind.

Second, why would it matter if your views were looked at in the public eye? If you believe so strongly in them, what shame is there in holding them?

With those two things out of the way, let’s get down to brass tax here.

The Wikia is garbage. Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage. I’ll say it as many times as I very well please, as rudely as I very well please! Wanna know why? Because the wikia doesn’t have feelings. It doesn’t breath. It doesn’t eat. It can’t get hurt. I commend the creators and contributors of the wikia for their work and effort and the time they’ve poured into it. I can’t stress this enough. I commend and appreciate the work fans have done in order to make a place of reference for all the years of Bionicle. It isn’t easy, I know. However, when compared to BS01, their efforts mean little when you examine the end result. BS01 does everything Wikia does and it does it much better. There is no opinion in that statement. That is just a fact.

Now, when opinion IS taken into account, it becomes a case of personal preference. If you prefer Wikia to BS01, then that’s great. More power to you. But don’t go places in this community saying Wikia does things better than BS01 and expect to be welcomed with open arms.

And I’ll say it again - If something (note: thing) wants my respect, it needs to earn it. I can respect the folks that created the wiki and put work into it. I cannot respect the end result.

It’s actually kind of funny, but Kahi and I do agree on a lot more than we let on, or even realize at times.

And yeah, maybe I do have a bias. A bias to something I’ve used for years and is actively recognized as being a better reference resource than it’s wikia “counterpart”. Yeah, that’s my bias. Quality.

Maybe you do know the lore better than I do. Maybe you don’t. I’ve soaked up a lot of information, and unfortunately it’s not as easy for me to remember now a days. Give me 3 hours and I’d be able to catch up easily, with BS01.

And did we ever say you wanted that? We said someone wanted that. But we didn’t name names. Which was the point, so no one would get mud on their face for this.

Honestly, I believe you’re taking this to hard. You think that we don’t like you or something and we’re mistreating you. That’s not the case. I’m happy we’re having this discussion, and I’m glad you have your own opinion and you feel strongly about it. That’s great. That’s what makes people interesting, is allowing them to make up their own mind and be different from one another. However, you need to understand that I’m not trying to put you down. None of us are. We think one thing, you think another. We’re not telling you to stop thinking it or that you’re a terrible person, but that we disagree with what you’re saying based on X and Y reasons.

Now, based off of what you ended your post with, I’ll leave you with this.

You want Wikia to be as good as BS01 so these discussions don’t leave you so angry? Then you’d better get to work editing. Because so long as I am a member of this community, I will never endorse a lower quality frame of reference such as the Bionicle Wikia. Especially not when I have something that I 100% believe is better. And that isn’t misinformation whatsoever.


BS01 masterrace



Agreed :3


@Mesonak, @Eljay.
I may have overreacted, but here is a similar hypothetical situation. Read it, and tell me if you would react the same.

Kahi has been saying he has been talking to Merlin Mann , the head of the Bionicle 2015 story team. Let’s say, for example, he had begun to say on twitter how Gali is terrible and Tahu is a million times better. Even though you agree Tahu is better, you think he is being unfair and unreasonable. You tell him so on Twitter, and say he should be less rude about his opinions, and maybe give Gali more time in the animations, as they are too Tahu-centric. The next day, the Bionicle Story Team makes a speech of sorts. During the speech, they say “Certain fans” have been saying things on Twitter. Merlin Mann then says the Gali vs. Tahu is “Not even a competition” He portrays everything you said negatively, saying that the idea of Gali being at least partially equal to Tahu is a dumb kid’s idea, and when he mentions putting more Gali in the animations, the entire story team laughs at your idea. They continue to ridicule your ideas and don’t say anything positive about them.

Now, in that scenario, would you react like I did? This scenario is imperfect, and not realistic (the story team would never say stuff like that), but what would you think of that? I am not sure if my reaction is justified, but I was very angry when writing that.

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I like Lewa more, so I wouldn’t care at all.

The key is to not take things so seriously. Have a thick skin. People are going to have their own opinions and feel strongly about them. How does that affect you so long as they aren’t out to drag your name through the mud?

People aren’t always going to be fair. You aren’t always gonna find people who’ll be polite and kind and curtail themselves as not to offend you. We didn’t intend to do anything of the sort, which is why we didn’t address you by name, nor anyone else. We addressed the concept and discussions.

In the end, everyone has their own opinion. People that get offended or insulted by something not personally attacking them either need to never leave the house or just relax.

As far as this discussion goes, I’m still siding with BS01. My opinion hasn’t changed at all. I’m still going to suggest people go to BS01 over anything else. Granted, I may forget to from time to time in my reviews, but it’s still gonna happen.

So yeah. Just relax. If you like Wikia, that’s fine. But we simply don’t, and that’s that.


You know, one thing that really got to me was how I said you had a bias, and on the podcast, you made it sound like I said you only said it because of your bias (And was that pig snort really necessary?). I know I’m kind of the type of person that doesn’t like it when people misunderstand what I or others say, so when I hear people saying I said things that I didn’t say or mean, it makes me frustrated. As well as the fact that no one so far has seemed to realize the point I tried to stress the most, which is that I’m arguing because I don’t think what you say about the Wikia is true. As I said, I kind of overreact about incorrect or misleading information and misunderstanding. Maybe my reaction was not totally justified, but I think that now people reading my posts will interpret them negatively because they have been described negatively. Same for the Wikia. It is a fine site and doesn’t deserve losing potential readers because of predescribed notions.

The issue is, we aren’t making this stuff up. All the stuff we’re saying about Wikia is true. This topic validates such things as well. Eventually, I’ll need to get Viper to throw in her two cents here - she has a similar experience, and not a positive one.

I’ve got more important work to do in regards to the channel, including work on Recaps as well as other things. If I had the time for it, I’d make a video detailing the differences between the two and why I believe BS01 is much better. Until then, use what you want. But don’t get bent out of shape when people disagree.

And yes. The pig snort was absolutely necessary. I love pigs.


Now on to the true debate:

Biosector vs Nuipedia


is there even one? The choice is obvious


I would say Wikia.
Because BS01’s format is uncomfortable to use but the Wikia’s format is more comfortable to use in my opinion.

Biosector01 has better information and has is better visually shown. The only bad thing about it it doesnt use the standard wikia format which in opinion is great for editing.

Bio wikia is a complete mess controlled by monkeys who ban you for a year right of the back, even though you were there to update the whole wiki. The ones in charge of that wikia actually ban you for being a good and active editor there, one that actually knows what they are doing…so they completely incompetent and the information there not even half as good or comparable to the one you can find on Biosector01.

Bionicle wiki needs new management, but that will never happen, so Biosector01 all the way.

If Patrick was here, he would say: “Why not take all good from Biosector01, and move it to the wikia format. Also screw everyone in charge of Bionicle wiki.”

Hell yeah!

It doesnt update itself, it has a team of dedicated fans editing the articles. Bio wiki has none because they banned them all.