Bionicle Wiki Discussion: Biosector01 Vs Bionicle Wikia


I’d have to assume that both sides would have to be equally upset to the point of throwing insults before something ever became even remotely close to a flame war.

As it stands? This is little more then a silly debate. And debates can be had without having to get upset.


As I stated before, my opinion isn’t always right.

Bionicle Wikia too down the Don page, just look, I have “proof” that Don was in the bionicle story (link)
Why would they take down the Don page, he also should had been the main character of Mask of Light and the 7th Toa.


Off with Eljay’s head!

I asked which one was more accurate, more people said BS01, plus the site looks a lot better and actually updated itself

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The fact that the Don page managed to survive on the Wiki for so long is evidence that it is terrible.
Not Don, I mean. Don’s great.


Biosector is more of fan stories and spin offs of the chariter like the brotherhood of makuta I like the wiki has more information



He’s saying that BioSector takes more information from the fan-made stories that were canonized than the official story. Something I don’t agree with.


I will now and forever think of the Bionicle Wiki as the lesser source of information, ever since my experience with their Malum page. First off, it said he was short. He’s been confirmed in at least two books to be, at the very least, taller than Ackar. Second, it said he was “cheif of a Vorox”. The misspelling could have been a typo, sure, but it specifically said a Vorox. A single Vorox. I edited that part, I remember, and I didn’t have to sign up or anything.
Of course other misinformation happened too but that was the most notable one for me.

One good thing about the Bionicle Wiki, though: it had the translated version of The Crossing up before BS01 did. The translation was posted on BZP first and I suppose BS01 might have been fact-checking or something, though.

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Well…he kinda is…

Those short thighs, vahki shins and Hordika feet do render him only slightly taller than an agori /s

… the point being that TBW takes information based on the sets rather than official information from the story.


I used to use the Bionicle Wikia until I discovered that BioSector01 existed. Now I prefer BioSector01 100% of the time. It looks more clean, professional, and just plain has more.


@IllustriousVar @Mesonak @Eljay @Kahi

At first I was happy to get indirectly mentioned…
Then I was like WHAT THE HECK GUYS!??!?!?!?!

I have compiled a list of the things you guys mentioned and why I said them

I said that thing about losing respect for Eljay because he was honestly being jingoistic and not giving the Wikia a chance. Just because I prefer Applego, it doesn’t let me go around saying “Samsung is sooooooooo far behind Apple. None of their features are even close to Apple’s level”. Having an opinion doesn’t entitle me to say things that are so exaggerated they are practically untrue about their competitors. If he had said, “Well, I think BS01 is a great source. I don’t like the Wikia’s colors or formatting, and they sometimes leave a bit of info out”, I wouldn’t have said that. But since Eljay basically said “BS01 is SO MUCH BETTER than the Wikia! It has SO MUCH MORE INFO! Its NOT EVEN A COMPETITION”, I decided he weren’t giving the Wikia any respect at all, and it deserves at least some. I am not arguing because of your opinion, I am arguing because you are being rude about it.

I care because it was very rude, and you guys have been bashing the Wikia as much as the summer sets. If I see someone being bullied at school, do I have to be that person’s best friend to step in and help?

I care and think you should show respect because you are completely overstating how much BS01 is better. The Wikia has a few details missing, but the way you say it, Wikia left out all of the Barraki pages and half of the 2001 story, which is not true at all.

Kahi, really? “It’s not universally understood that the Wikia is terrible” Why do you and Eljay argue so much when you’re so alike?

If you agree that only a few things need to be changed, why are you so critical?

You can say them both but say you prefer BS01 and it is generally slightly more accurate! Come on, if everyone in the podcast you were a fan of laughed that hard at your ideas, how would you feel?

I was saying you guys completely exaggerate the level that BS01 is better!

I was not saying you said it because you were partnered, I was saying you had a bias! If my best friend and someone else are in an argument I have some bias no matter what! It couldn’t completely change your mind, but it could make you more on their side! Look at what I said:

BIAS! Not the reason you said that! And I never said you were getting paid!

Okay, you are saying everyone who uses the Wikia is unreliable? I know the lore as good as Eljay without using BS01

Why are you saying its not comparable? There are a few missing or wrong facts, but that’s it! Have you even visited the Wikia?

I said nothing about equal representation! I said you shouldn’t completely exaggerate the problems of the Wikia!

I am not saying your opinion is bad, its just the way you are treating me and the Wikia.

please stop saying stuff that is twisted or exaggerated, about what I said or the Bionicle Wiki. One of the reasons I don’t like this is you, TTV, are spreading misinformation about how good the Wikia is, and what I said. Please refrain from doing so.


i made that up

Then why would you say it?


I’ve been using Bionicle Wikia so far because it is (almost) always the first search result when looking up anything Bionicle related.

Biosector also has a really small search bar which is shoved to the side of any page, that gets on my nerves.

But after using Biosector a bit more, I think I’m going to start using it.
It’s got all sorts of cool info that I wasn’t aware of before!(mostly cause I didn’t read the Bionicle books when I was younger).

I clicked on the “Random Page” link on Biosector and I ended up on a page for ‘Airwatcher’. I had never heard of him before.
I tried looking him up on the Bionicle Wikia.
I couldn’t find his page.


A website isn’t the same as a person, so this is a bad analogy.

You say this as if they were attacking you personally. They were not. They didn’t even mention you.

This may not be true, but if every article has a few details missing, it adds up. Also you failed to understand their other criticism, that being stubby articles that could easily have been combined into one and not clutter the wikia.

They’re not saying that. They’re saying anyone who cites the wiki as a source is unreliable. If the wiki tends to have more mistakes than BS01 obviously it’s a less credible source and thus shouldn’t be used.

Again, you’re treating this as a personal attack. It is not. They probably weren’t even thinking of you at all.

From all the misinformation I’ve seen here of inaccurate articles on wikia, I don’t think it’s misinformation. It’s not morally unsound to point people towards a more reliable source. Plus it’s not like they’re even going to change just because one person asks them to. Sorry.


I thought it would make sence