Bionicle's Netflix series is being pirated, please help with this

I know this, however Youtube considers mass flagging to be ‘flagging similar videos’ and if a Youtuber’s only flags are them all flagging ‘Journey To One’ content then the system will consider it mass flagging. If the same people go around flagging similar sorts of videos over and over they will be considered ‘Youtube bots’ and their channels could be taken down or negatively affected.

The Youtube help forums are full of people complaining about this occurring to them - and Youtube will not respond to help these people. I am hoping to inform people of the negative consequences because Youtube will label these good acts as bad.

I know this from personal experience from a time when i was going around flagging copyrighted content from one of the shows i enjoyed that was being uploaded and monetised by other Youtubers - i eventually received an email claiming my Youtube account was under suspicion of having ‘suspicious activity regarding flagging’ and any further flags would jeopardies the account. This could affect anyone here who is hoping to flag the videos, even if they are in the right for doing so.

I would just advise people treat this with caution and don’t immediately flag everything JTO related, because doing so quickly may be lumped with ‘suspicious activity’. If you must then space it out a bit or try to avoid doing it in quick succession.


New, maybe. Old…I’m not so sure. While LEGO does still own the G1 media, I’m pretty sure they’re not going to come down hard on instances of it being used on Youtube, partially because it is no longer making them any money. The animations from 2015 certainly may get taken down, but they are on LEGO’s Youtube channel anyway, so I doubt compilation videos being taken away will decrease fan viewership, since they’re so easy to find regardless.

Why copy and share it with them when you could invite them over and watch it together? While I understand your perception that piracy may not be done with explicitly nefarious intent, it’s still piracy, no matter who commits it. Most kids would need a parent’s help to upload JtO, and if the parents do it willingly, they are complicit and they deserve to have the video flagged. Sure, going bananas and flagging videos indiscriminately may be a bit overzealous–people should be vigilant and cautious with whatever action they take–but fans of the show have a right to prevent it from being incorrectly used and distributed. I can almost guarantee that the amount of fans lost over flagged videos will not be astronomical. If BIONICLE is going to have a crisis based upon massive departures of fans, miffed Youtubers are going to be in the vast minority of those who leave.


Then I suppose there ought to be no issue in flagging all of TTV’s Ninjago reviews.

After all, their descriptions include links to pirated episodes and therefore condone the pirating of them.

I’d just be enforcing the law as an upstanding citizen, right?

While I’m at it, better enlist the help of hundreds of other individuals.

If we don’t, Ninjago will surely fail financially.

Var, you may be exempt from rules on your own boards, but you are just as much bound by national law as the rest of us. Being a part of big 'ole YouTube channel doesn’t change that. If we’re going to give people flak for pirating Journey to One, then I hope you’re prepared to have the same logic directed your way.


I believe this issue has already been answered before…to quote Eljay and Meso:

[quote=“Eljay, post:21192, topic:15529”] The difference between these two things is fairly clear and straight forward.

The episodes of NinjaGo are released on an inconsistent basis, sometimes months ahead of time in different countries. Most of the time, they’re aired by Cartoon Network Asia, but in English. This means you run the risk of reading spoilers to the series online, but having to wait until they’re on TV in your country before you can see it.

The links we post to episodes of NinjaGo are not to imply that we support piracy. It’s pretty clear we don’t. The episodes have aired, but not in the US for viewing. Netflix doesn’t work like that. The episodes are (to my knowledge) released in every country Netflix is available in all at once. It’s up there for everyone. And you can also get a free trial if you don’t feel like having a full subscription. You can’t use the excuse that you don’t have cable, or it hasn’t aired where you are.

Is there a double standard? Yes, there is. However there is an unfortunate rationale behind it that we understand, and will gladly change if Lego gets on a consistent US release schedule. It’s pretty clear we support Lego in all their endeavors, which makes it really confusing for me that you want to stir things up at this time when there’s no point in doing so. [/quote]

[quote=“Mesonak, post:21194, topic:15529”] Regarding the Ninjago video discussion: Yeah, admittedly, the double standard does exist. If Lego better communicated the release dates and scheduling for the episodes of Ninjago, perhaps we wouldn’t resort to secondhand uploads. That being said, we record reviews of the episodes based on our immediate and honest reactions to them, so watching them as soon as possible to avoid getting spoiled is almost a necessity, considering we’re public figures in the community. Spoilers can come from anywhere at any time; once, I even got a Ninjago-related plot spoiler on an Xbox message! It’s an unfortunate situation that I wouldn’t expect many people in the community to be able to relate to as easily, so I don’t fault anyone for the confusion.

With JTO, I don’t think people should post pirated uploads because, as Eljay pointed out, the release is consistent for all countries (I think, feel free to correct if that’s wrong), and Netflix is easily accessible to most people considering there’s a free trial if you don’t already have the service. There’s very little reason for people to resort to secondhand uploads. [/quote]

Now, I’m not going to comment on whether I personally accept their logic. It’s a sticky situation, and one that certainly inspires controversy, but there’s no need to act like the mods/cast members are hypocritically unaware of the situation, when it has clearly been broached before…


Uh oh here this conversation comes. I’m pretty sure this was discussed in the 2016 discussion forum and let’s all be honest were those necessarily pirated as they came out in a country that the episodes were already released in so they are technically not leaked\pirated


Well you see, the funny thing about upholding the rules and guidelines is that you must first actually understand them. And to do that you might want to actually try reading them.

First off, YouTube’s Community Guidelines, in particular their copyright rules, are strictly written for the content actually uploaded and hosted on YouTube.

The redistribution of copyrighted material via uploading directly onto YouTube’s platform is very much against the community guidelines that YouTube has put forth in an effort to protect copyright holders from having their content stolen from them. YouTube generates revenue based off ad impressions on each video. This means a video that does not belong to the individual uploader is still generating revenue, and none of that revenue is going to the original creator. This is done regardless of whether or not the person enables adsense on the video itself, as YouTube still runs ads on ALL videos. The only difference here is that all the revenue is going to YouTube rather then the 60/40 split with the uploader.

In this instance, YouTube is unknowingly stealing revenue from a copyright owner due to the copyrighted material being uploaded to their platform.

This is why the content guidelines are in place and why YouTube is so against copyright infringement.

In the instance that you are flagging a video that has uploaded copyrighted material, you are adhering to the guidelines and using the system as it was intended. Ergo, you are not breaking any rules, you are not a vigilante, in fact you are an upstanding citizen doing what YouTube wants you to do.

On the flipside…

Youtube’s community guidelines make no mention of deep-linking to copyrighted footage on their platform. Why? Because this is not in direct violation of any predetermined rules or laws and is not an infringement of copyright. There are no legal repercussions to deep-linking to copyrighted material on any website.

We have personally chosen to disallow deep-linking on our site because we wish to support Journey to One as best we can, and we are within our full rights to do so. Just as we are in our full rights to deep-link to the Ninjago episodes in our videos.
You can claim that this is hypocritical all you want, but it doesn’t change the facts and it doesn’t swing the law in your favor.

You are still wrong.

We are well within our rights and If you were to flag our videos for deep-linking the Ninjago episodes, you would be abusing the flag system implemented by YouTube and we would absolutely make a counter claim on any flags you make. We will win, and your account will likely be suspended. We have already addressed this Ninjago complaint at length, and we will not address it again.

Also, while we are on the subject of rules, I don’t take kindly to being threatened.
Perhaps you could use a refresher on our rules

I’ll save you some time:
Respect the staff. Respect the cast.
I’ll allow you to think about that while on a week suspension.

And I would like to remind everyone once again about our leak policy.

If you have a problem with this policy, you are free to leave whenever you wish. However while on our site I expect you to uphold them. You are absolutely free to discuss any issues you have regarding our site with us politely. If that is a concept you simply cannot grasp then you are not welcome here.

If you have complaints regarding our channel, direct them here.

If you have complaints regarding our site, direct them here.

I’ve had it up to here with the mudslinging, the backtalk, the inane rhetoric, and attempts to sway the community towards starting fights whenever the opportunity arises.

And most of all, I am tired of the appalling attitudes many of you seem to be carrying.

This will be my final word on this matter. I am done playing this game.
Shape up and get the chip off of your shoulder, or leave. My next suspension will be longer than a week.

This topic is about Journey to One and the current issue with the show being pirated. Not our channel. Let’s move back on topic please.

I applaud all of you here who have gone out of your way to try to stop YouTube accounts from re-uploading the show. Those channels are breaking the rules, and you are doing your duty as a member of YouTube by upholding the guidelines that the website has put in place. Regardless of your reason, or even your actions in the past, what you are doing now is a good thing and while it might not help much in the grand scheme of things, I’d like to think that someone working at LEGO has taken notice and appreciates the support you’ve given them.


Ah, Piracy and Copyright, a very hot topic! Time for me to weigh in: After reading every post in this topic, I went searching the Internets for pirated episodes for Journey to One. They exist, not a lot, but they are rather easy to find, albeit I swear I didn’t watch any. I watched the first episodes of Journey to One on a friend’s Netflix account. I canceled my Netflix subscription after my free month ended a year ago. In July, I’m set to have a second job, and will definitely have enough room in my budget for another month of Netflix, JTO, and other things.

I did not pirate JTO because it was available on Netflix, and because this is the one chance Bionicle has to make a big splash and get traction in the mainstream audience. At day’s end a view is a view, yes; and people are watching it, but I theorize that most of the pirates and bootleggers are long-time fans of Bionicle. I believe that Bionicle’s best hope of reaching new fans and a new audience is Netflix and JTO. The best way for Bionicle to grow into something bigger is for people to either watch Journey to One on Netflix or buy the sets. I love Bionicle; as far as media coverage is concerned it is in its infancy, every view on Netflix counts to help it reach the heights of other beloved kids’ shows such as My Little Pony, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and Gravity Falls just to name a few. Pirating JTO is extremely selfish, as it stunts Bionicle’s growth and stops it from living up to its full potential. I have wanted to re-open my Netflix account, but as a college student with loans to pay off, money is tight and I restrict myself to a budget. I want Bionicle to grow, to become a household name, so I refrained from pirating. While I may have pirated other things in the past, I did not feel as strongly about them as I do Bionicle. (Also, 90% of my piracy was music from old video games whose soundtrack wasn’t commercially released.) If Journey to One had been aired on TV and not uploaded to Netflix, then I may have pirated it because I don’t have TV, and can’t watch it repeatedly. However, JTO is on Netflix, so anytime I want I can just ask my roommate for 20-40 minutes of his account anytime he’s not using his computer.

I have pirated in the past, but being a passionate fan of Bionicle and JTO has significantly challenged my view on online piracy. (And I respect anything/anyone who can honestly make me re-think my values.) Maybe JTO will stay the exception, or maybe it will become the rule. I’ve been re-evaluating a lot of my habits lately, the occasional viewing of pirated material being one of them.

JTO is still small enough for piracy to be majorly detrimental. Let’s keep an eye out for pirates and nip ‘em in the bud.


I wouldn’t say questioning staff is disrespectful.

I’m pretty sure only copyright holders can flag them, hence why it says “Infringes MY Rights” in the copyright section.


Just flagged it

By gosh, Var, you just ripped that guy to shreds… that was incredible. 11/10 would read again.

Anyway, I’m always annoyed when people pirate crap. I mean seriously, what do you gain? It’s not like you get any money from it, unless you want money for it, then it’s even more illegal.

Maybe they think they’re doing some sort of Robin Hood act by uploading it so people who don’t have Netflix can watch it without having to pay for it.



Except that wasn’t what was disrespectful. He threatened Var’s channel and he doesn’t take kindly to that.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Things You Dislike About the Channel

Once again, this topic is not about discussing the merits of our channel or how we manage our content. I appreciate the support, and I understand the criticism, but please direct these discussions to their appropriate topics.

Any further posts deemed off topic will be deleted, thanks.

(Also please avoid making three word responses. These types of posts do not add any meaningful discussion to the boards and merely clutter the topic).


I found more on youtube that need to be taken off. The only problem is trying to find the right option to flag them because there is nothing that says “flag for copyright violation”. Stupid YouTube is so obsessed with copyright violation yet they don’t have a button to flag it when there is a legitimate reason to.


Yeah that is the hard part. Finding which option to use. I don’t want to get in trouble my self. But I must flag these videos.

Well I found one and flagged it for spam.

I haven’t read the YouTube T&Cs, but it sounds like you’re not really supposed to flag for copyright infringement on other people’s behalf.

Maybe it would be better to email the URLs to LEGO so that they can take whatever action they see fit. Or maybe to Netflix, since it is their series.


######This is why I love these topics, we can see Var’s calm fury that sweeps through our community and knocks down the unwanted uprisings of disrespectful members. (Also, I’d like to ask for a not-suspension, please.)</span class=“spoiler”>

I can fully agree on anything that is against pirating other shows from one platform to another. And, as I have said in one of my recent posts, piracy is also a crime as Grammar Nazism jaywalking or theft. Sadly, we do not have the means to monitor what gets pirated and what does not, but if we keep out eyes peeled, we can spot the pirated stuff, and report it (or flag it, depending on the site).


The thing is, YouTube’s been under fire for it’s copyright problems, but this sort of thing is exactly why those rules exist. So that it’s easy to take down copyrighted material.
If the system does get revamped, it may end up being another dailymotion where you can’t really strike anything because of how loose the rules are

(Also, to any cast member who sees this, how does Vessel’s copyright system work?)


Alright, now that a certain inconvenient leave of absence (due to admittedly antagonistic sarcasm and snark) is out of the way, allow me to articulate my final opinion on this matter more respectfully.

If your reasons concerning the reporting of the Journey to One videos are just limited to adhering to YouTube’s guidelines, fine.

I may find it distasteful, but I can’t argue with pure logic, however cold it may be.

However, you can’t elevate yourself onto the moral high ground, saying you’re “supporting the show”, if you pirate shows like Ninjago, and condone their piracy. Regardless of whatever beef you have with Lego’s airing schedules, people in regions Netflix doesn’t support are dealing with the exact same issues with JtO. They have no other current option either.

If pirating JtO because you can’t use Netflix means you’re trying to undermine the show’s success (which is what’s being implied here), then you’re also undermining Ninjago’s success by pirating it as opposed to waiting for it to eventually air or be officially released by Lego through other means, and I’m pretty sure no one that does that thinks that’s the case.

Supporting Ninjago’s pirating while opposing the pirating of Journey to One on moral grounds is hypocritical, and there’s no way around that, whether you’re a reviewer or not.

If you still don’t plan to apply these same moral principles to the pirating of Ninjago, then don’t pretend that this widespread reporting somehow elevates you to a higher purpose that’s ensuring Journey to One’s success. That’s not what you’re doing. You’re upholding a rule on a video-streaming site, and nothing more.

There, that’s my say, though I’m still open to any further discussion.

Please don’t hurt me.


You have just awakened a sleeping giant.

######But I actually agree with you for the most part.