Biovival Discussion (aka Christian Faber's mysterious project)

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Ghid forgive me


This… is… incredible (though technically it isnt an OwO, the second letter is a C)


Faber is just rebooting the famous BIONIOLE brand


yoooo he got the rights to BIONIOLE?

absolutely incredible


change the name of the theme to biOwOnicle and the demographic will extend to the furry fandom, genious idea


and then the furries will be lured here, to the killing fields

genius concept


no, dead furries can’t buy bonkles, they should be left alive to fund the theme, also… killing people isn’t exactly… well… legal


And you’d be killing your GM, which isn’t very poggers


no that’s extremely poggers

I don’t care


Imma call the pOwOlice and then I’ll return on topic before something bad happens

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If you return at all

I mean yeah that’d probably be a good idea after all it’s not like this is the Ghid Details Who’s Next On The Chopping Block Topic

I’m fully in the camp of blue mist detailing island shape because there’s too many similarities (especially with the left shape) to the islands to write it off as a stretch of the imagination

certainly could’ve been implemented better, but Faber’s probably not going to put too much effort into an image he’s gonna take off his instagram moments after posting it


Latest leak of Bionicle G3: Rise of the Furries.


i will pay you money to make this a reality.


that’s hot

kill me


anywho back on topic.

really glad that faber has been getting back to this project, but the people on reddit seem to think otherwise.


The people on reddit are cringe, they could never understand faber’s genius marketing


I repeat; extremely poggers

the people on reddit seem to think, but don’t be fooled

also can Faber post content with actual content? I want to have to guess at the interpretation of rust or fuzzy reflections in a VR headset again please Faber


okay, I concede, that’s a way better burn :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t know how many of you are privy to Faber’s comments before he deleted the first 3 images, the BIO NIC LE. Well, decide for yourselves.

There is more to that comment exchange, but I don’t have it to hand sadly. In a day or so, Meso’s going to put out a video on the subject which has the rest of them.

I personally don’t think Faber has anything planned, and he’s trying to cover himself. He’s essentially saying, “I’m just going with the flow here, and unless you want to come with me, buzz off”. Which I mean, sure, but when you’ve been stringing people along for 2 years there comes a point at which you need to lay things out. You can hold your cards close, but you have to play them eventually. I can get the pestilence that plagues the land right now slowing things down, and that’s fine, but you need to explain that to people.

Yet now you go and blame the community for not letting you string them along anymore? Does he think the community was stagnant before he came along?
You explicitly said “I am not trying to get to the beach”, then why the heck are we here? If there’s no endpoint, if there’s no final product, then why are we here?

Do you expect us to sit here a look at old or reused concept art, while listening to you rabble on like a fortune cookie generator?

I’m sorry Faber. I was on board at first, but you’ve well and truly lost me at this point.


If there’s one thing that’s really obvious from all this, anyone - almost anyone in this discussion - is better than Faber at PR. The issue is nobody knows what he’s saying.

Is it yes or no? Is it maybe? Is it vague? Is it definite? Does he really have nothing, or is he trying to be mysterious? Is he being defensive, or is he trying - and horribly failing - to defend himself? Is he attempting to justify two years’ worth of posing and pretending, or does he have something that he doesn’t have enough of to reveal?

And in that case, why is he posting at all?

This sort of written nonsense is exactly why Faber is a horrible public relations person. Because there is no way to tell what he’s saying or if he’s saying anything at all. Even mismanaged corporate twitter accounts do a better job at presenting info than he does.

And just like a fortune cookie, everything he’s said recently is words on paper. Words so meaningless and subjective they’re forgotten within five minutes of reading them.

But, at the same time, I’m gonna be thoroughly entertained watching him get to shore when he’s aiming for the mid pacific. He may have lost you, but I’m thoroughly invested in what comes next.

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