Biovival Discussion (aka Christian Faber's mysterious project)

Re: him proving interest in a product.
Many people following him just want to see bionicle. They won’t be interested in “legally distinct Faberonicle”. So unless he’s talking to Lego, building up a potential proof of consumer base with the way he is now is doomed to fail.

No. You can’t be serious and make a joke at the same time. That’s not allowed.


It accounts for most.

Most LEGO fans likely have the cash to buy LEGO sets if one pops up that excites them. And most LEGO fans are that way as a constant. Most LEGO fans are decent investors in the brand which actually try to have a collection of a size larger than one set.

Narrow that down to the Bionicle community, mostly comprised of 20-30 yr old white collar adults who spend their limited daylight bullying each other online and being toxic, and you have an almost entirely confirmed market with real monetary power. That’s not a gamble.

All you’ve got to do is buy one set.

If every single one of the 10,000+ people buys one set, you’ve got figures you can work with to make a brand. Faber absolutely knows this.

That’s, uh.

What I was saying.

But Faber doesn’t necessarily have to go through LEGO to make, um


And we also don’t even know what kind of a product his product would be. Stories? Toys? Art? Theoretical concepts vaguely meant to inspire? And it could be something LEGO simply can’t do. Which means talks would only be for licensing and name.

Him using the restroom with the way he is now is doomed to fail. Either he gets his head in the game and gets his PR done right (or hires someone to do it for him[fabey babey my email’s on site]) or he’s blowing his kneecaps off and attempting to swim in those deep, shadowed waters.

Because where we’re going, we don’t need lovelace.

"Who shall a name for thee create,
Deep riddle of mysterious state?
Bold Rebel Nature that gives common birth
To all products of seas and earth,
Of thee, as earthquakes, is afraid,
Nor will thy dire deliv’ry aid."
― Richard Lovelace, The Snail


And that’s also what I am saying. So we’re in agreement? :slight_smile:

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Curious though, if Faber DID make a product with something akin to striking the same ‘spirit’ of Bionicle, that was not Bionicle, and not Lego, would you guys support it and purchase that product?
I’m not sure what the medium would be for this.
Comics? Action figures? Mega Bloks?
I’m curious. I would probably be iffy on it myself

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Depends on what it is, is it available here (in Hungary), how much will it cost, etc.
If it’s a movie/toy/comic/any kind of visual medium - what is the setting? What is the artstyle and the aesthetic?
If it’s a book - will it be translated to my native language?
(Granted, these are unlikely because these are “traditional” products, but who knows? :man_shrugging:)

If it’s some kind of “creative platform/network” where people can share their creative ideas - maybe? for that I need to have a creative idea or one there that I support.


Probably not, especially considering that despite what some people here claim, his media presence is laughably small in the grand scheme of things and not big enough to allow him to talk to/convince any “big player” companies that have the resources and experience to make a product like Bionicle.

So yeah whatever he’s working on it’s most likely not going to match Bionicle’s greatness, another reason why people shouldn’t have set their expectations so high.

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From May '20

There was nothing really that game-changing revealed to me personally lately. I was only confused by the overuse of Bionicle imagery. I was interested for Fabers work and I still am. If it has a touch of familiarity I definitely don’t mind. I only wanted some clarification, because of stuff like “LEgend GO” and the lately posted “Bionicle” logo which he put into perspective a day later (a bit too late for my liking but whatever).


I’ll just add that if Faber is pitching ideas to companies (such as LEGO), then what we are seeing are just fragments of that larger pitch. (Because at this point he’d be trying to convince them of something, not us.)

Think how many years it was after BIONICLE ended that Faber was legally allowed by LEGO to share some of his old concepts. That may give an idea of why he can’t (or doesn’t want to) risk sharing specific concepts that future partners may prefer are confidential.


my humor transcends reality and becomes serious


And? Bionicle has a lot of potential and power as a niche thing. These boards wouldn’t exist if Bionicle was on the same scale as something like Star Wars. Having that dedicated and passionate audience without worrying about a need to appeal to The Wider Audience :tm: can be exceptionally freeing, especially given how elusive the coveted Wider Audience :tm: is. Popularity and big player companies don’t equal quality, and a lack of those doesn’t condemn something either. I think we can all accept that Bionicle’s time in the spotlight has gone, but that doesn’t prevent us from enjoying it on its own smaller stage.


And someone yoinked my post. Well, here we go again…

Our opinions happen to align at the present time. Do not consider this a union.

Yes lol

That’s essentially all Faber could ever offer from the getgo, and I’m on board with… Certain preconceived notions of what those could be from the getgo. Once something begins to take a more definite form I’ll know better whether I’m on board or if I’ll sit things out.

That… Would actually make a lot of sense why didn’t I think of that before.

We may only be seeing vague snippets and a handful of very non-telling concept art because this is all out of Faber’s presentation package and he thinks all we need are the vague breadcrumbs in order to be satisfied. PR on a level that matches the lack of transparency the info provides. Heck, this way Faber doesn’t even look like a jerk, just a swamped and preoccupied business man who… Still can’t do PR for his life.

But him recycling (REBEL NATURE SAVE THE PLANET) resources is not only really probable, but really likely as well.

Yo. Dude. Thank you so much for bringing up this factor. Us small and slow brains are caught in the shadow of your brilliance and we must pay fealty in the form of likes and quotes.


He do be running a studio tho and working on Rebel Nature in between his work on Biovival, the guy is busy as is

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Gee I definitely didn’t know that

If he’s got the time to send an instagram post where he implies the general destination we are headed is without the necessity of any grapheme communication, he also has the time to do it right.


Also tbf he does this whole ordeal for rebel nature as well were he posts cryptic post about that project its world and his progress. Don’t see much complaining there.

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Because that project has been going on longer than two years and most hope for it has been lost. I’ve been waiting on something to happen with it for a long time. At this point the furthest I ever see it going is getting stuck in production hell.


It was more just a general statement towards the suffocating atmosphere at the time, no particular target.

I’ve taken a deep dive into the abyss since then, and it feels a bit less dire than I felt it was at the time.

Essentially what it has evolved into is this show, that is somehow using VR as a filming tool, he released a teaser recently on his facebook.

there is also this:

"Watch 2 of our #rig21studio virtual production cases on demand from the #picturethis20 conference. #RebelNature is taking the first VP steps💡Med PICTURE THIS_20 ON DEMAND bliver du introduceret til fremtidens produktionsform: VIRTUAL PRODUCTION 👉 du kan se de 7 sessions på

PICTURE THIS_20 er skabt af Nordisk Filmfonden og @visiondenmark - og i samarbejde med Den Danske Filmskole, Filmværkstedet / København og Producentforeningen."
Found this as well:


I am aware of its current status, I have been keeping tabs on it since he publicly talked about it in 2014. However, that does not mean I am convinced that it will actually come out. Until it’s finished and available, there is always a significant chance that something will halt its production.

Best to think of me as a very skeptical investor. I’m sold on the idea, I want to see it come through, but I need more concrete evidence that the risks are minimal. And as much as I hate it, I’m not hedging my bets on Faber.


This mess is what happens when that one guy in a friend group, who goes too far with pranks, does an April Fools joke.

From my perspective, I think the Horizon Zero Dawn series acts as a very good spiritual successor to BIONICLE. No need to get hyped over the “will he, won’t he” thing going on with Faber when we actually have some franchises taking on the themes and plot points of BIONICLE. Even then, there’s always Transformers, though that is more war-centric, and less hero’s journey-centric.