this entire process reminds me in a way of how five nights at freddy’s games work when they’re being developed (‘oooh fnaf cringe’ i’m young i have an excuse). it usually goes like this:
the game is announced
we get really vague hints towards stuff
all the sudden we get really big information on the game
it’s released like the next day
i think this is similar to how things are gonna go down. i don’t think christian is going to give us much information until he’s… y’know… got something to show. he’s still pitching this to people, after all. i don’t think he would pitch something that has enough form to actually tell us about. yeah, sure, he probably has a general idea, but what if he pitches this to… i don’t know… hasbro, or something? the final product is gonna be way different then if he got lego on board.
well, that’s my two cents. don’t go too hard on me, my mind is small and undeveloped.
The thing is the game hasn’t been announced yet… that’s part of the problem. We’re getting the hints without knowing whether the hints are for something or merely to inspire us to create our own stories
You will accept Kopaka vs Elsa and make it a constant part of your life. Your marriage will depend on your opinion of Kopaka vs Elsa. On your deathbed you will remember Kopaka vs Elsa and you will weep.
Stop being meta
I think my analogy got across? It also got buried by ARG discussion and etc. so hopefully it wasn’t entirely ignored by its intended audience.
oh shoot uh gotta stay relevant to the topic or Prentice will murder me. (Now I realize how people thought of me when I was as a mod.)
TBH an ARG sounds fun for BIONICLE if it was done right. But if the message is, “just have BIONICLE’s community alive and well again” well that’s already happening Mr. Faber. Just look at TTV or Custom BIONICLE Wiki or BS01 or BZPower. There are still people interested in Bonkle.
The regret I have is that LEGO brought BIONICLE G2 back too soon. Nowadays people are getting the BIONICLE nostalgia. They could have capitalized on that.
I think the intent, going by the TEDx Talk, is for it to be both. Faber talks about how we need to redefine what our creative media is within society, his intent with that creative media to spark the minds of others. The section towards the end where he talks about Rebel Nature… I think that’s the important and relevant bit here.
I left for literally 2 hours to write an exam and this is what I come back to?
Y’all special
Anyways, wouldn’t be opposed to an ARG (considering how good Faber is at being cryptic, it could be fun) but I dunno what shape it could even take today. Destiny’s ARG’s, for example, are great but also kind of rely on the abilities of a multi-million dollar company to pull off. Sans something vaguely MNOG ish I couldn’t even begin to think of how one could go.
First-impression thoughts just on these, it’s a good analogy for the general creative mind. I’ve watched and listened to a lot of concept artists talk about this sort of thing. You start off with the passion and the creativity, but slowly your ocean gets degraded over time by reality and practicality and jobs and careers and bills. But, many veteran artists move forward with their own personal passions once they have gained that experience. Often you need to pay your dues to get to a place where doing that is possible. That’s when you can really step into that ocean.
How this translates into a 'totally different way" or some new sort of experience, I’m not sure yet. I’d like to know, and perhaps it will be explained once I watch the video. We’ll see!
Also, I totally nailed it, didn’t I?
Enough for me to make a complimentary parody analogy about fan reaction to this project.
Instead of continuosly arguing about what Faber is or isn’t doing I decided to do something more productive that can contribute to this topic:
Right now it only contains the instagram posts themselves and links to them. However I’m thinking of expanding it to his Facebook, Twitter and Youtube and the comments he’ve made on each post has yet not been added: