Wow a two hour frog dissection and I still caught the last 120 seconds!
I’ll definitely listen through that later.
Wow a two hour frog dissection and I still caught the last 120 seconds!
I’ll definitely listen through that later.
Now whenever someone drops an F-bomb I am gonna call it a Faber.
this will end badly
I enjoyed listening to Faber’s interview. Sad I wasn’t around for it live.
For reference, the big #biovival question is asked at 13:02: “Is this Bionicle?”
Faber’s answer avoids directness and is an extended history of “Bionicle” and the thinking behind the hashtags and project. That may not satisfy those who want a concrete yes/no, but makes sense to me as the only way he could answer.
The bit at 24:08 is very interesting:
[After mentioning knowing how G2 came about] I can comment on the output of it, of course, because I can’t go directly into the process of it, that would be a bit… Since I’m working on new stuff for, um - [interrupted]
I’d love to know how that sentence was going to end. It’s unfortunate the TTV guys didn’t pick up on it or ask any questions about the mystery meetings teased on 1/4/20, but I guess we’ll find out all this stuff eventually.
The whole interview is worth a listen though - I thought Faber’s idea of giving schools a VR room to help children develop empathy is very cool. I could see virtual meetings between classes in very different parts of the world, helped along by machine translation, really helping broaden people’s horizons.
ok, as long as nobody downloads blade and sorcery
Troglomorph confirmed
Maybe it’s just me but I can’t get behind Faber promoting nfts.
its not just you
Looking at the comments of the YT video (a) you’re definitely not alone, and (b) Faber at least replied to one of the comments in a way that seems to suggest he might reconsider.
I watched the interview and most of the time couldn’t understand what he was trying to say
I sensed confusion in Meso’s and Eljay’s voices too at some points
for example the “is the bonkle” question, why did he give out a vague answer instead of a simple yes or no?
Have you read The Veldt?
The vibe that I got from his answer is that all of this marketing vagueness is part of the “product” itself, and that he’s trying to recreate the “mysterious fantasy” aspect of the original release.
After listening to the podcast interview with Faber. I have come out of it feeling entertained but still don’t have much of an idea of what he is actually doing. From the backward answers faber gave it sounds like he just wants us all to create our own bionicle world and sets at home. Which is pretty much what most people were doing anyway. Anyone else have a better idea of what it actually is?
Because a yes or no would make it a promise, Faber can’t promise a bionicle at this point of time. Imagine if he said yes, just yes to this question on this interview and then 3 years later when his project releases its hero factory due to outside factors and complications. Is it then fabers fault for falling for peer preasure in making a promise or is it peoples fault for placing him in a situation were he can only answer yes or no. This is a completely hypothetical question
I mean he is clearly doing something behind the scenes, he stated several times that he can’t talk about certain things pertaining to Biovival, there is something there people just have to be patient.
He can promise there is something. A real, tangible thing we as consumers will receive at some point in time.
I haven’t seen the interview yet as I’ve just been too busy, but from people’s reactions here it sounds like more of the same with no definite answers to… Anything. Undoubtedly Meso and Eljay will have some comments outside the interview and some explanation for why they asked what they did and did or didn’t press certain things, but the proof o burden is still solidly on Faber.
I don’t care if you’re patient enough to wait 80 years for Biovival. The rest of the world would like to know what it is supporting.
He can definately promise that there is something but the problem arise if and when he promises that thing to be Bionicle, specifically Bionicle
I don’t think we’ll ever have to wait 80 years for anything, I just think people should stop asking for something Faber can’t answer atm. Because people are asking “is this Bionicle?” and not “Will this amount to anything?” those are two different questions that can have widely different answers. The latter is obviously the safer question to answer, I don’t think I have to go into the reasons why its kinda self explanatory
I don’t know about you… But I don’t see anyone here asking if this will be LEGO Bionicle trademark brand with products available in retail stores and not america’s choice faberonicle. The only portion of the interview that matters is if Faber specifically, explicitly and without wild interpretation said there was a definite product in the works.
If anyone’s asked if this is or isn’t Bionicle, the LEGO property and license, they’re a vocal minority and a pretty small one at that; one not worth addressing. It’s like the group demanding Faber grow a moustache; an incredibly small group not worth contesting.
Which is me for the record
I’ve never asked for that and I will never ask for that. If you think I’ve asked for that at any point in time, I don’t know what else to tell you.
I want to know what kind of thing - heck, even if there is a thing - Faber’s trying to sell me; convince me to support it prior to my paying through the nose for it. Is it a physical medium? Is it digital? is it literary? Is it multi-facet? Am I going to be forced to wait another two years to find that out? Because frankly, there’s better places my money can go other than Faber’s Blind Bag Bonanza.
And I can give you the answer right now:
Will this amount to anything?
“I want to express as much creativity in people as possible.”
Or here’s a good one: “Why are you complaining? If you’re not along for the ride, unfollow me; I don’t want the hype.”
Or even better: (hands you a roll of toilet paper)
Faber giving non-answers has become a meme because of just how often it happens. If Faber could do PR a litle bit better - even a tiny pinch better - we wouldn’t be having this discussion because his intentions would be clear enough or he’d be sufficiently able to distract. But I’m just wondering why a guy who’s spent so many years and decades in the field he is in doesn’t have the experience in market knowledge and production to give a straight answer.
Sure there’s stuff he can’t mention. Sure there’s information binding his lips on certain aspects. And I’m as sure as Faber is a ginger that there’s something he’s not telling us because he isn’t telling us anything.
Also, for the record, Faber would make Biovival 1,540% more interesting if he had a moustache. Just sayin’.
Haha I’m dying right now, are you serious do you even know what you are arguing about, I’m out
Seriously though, Faber ain’t selling anything, He hasn’t even asked you or anyone to support it. If you think Faber is selling a product or stealing your money over free instagram posts I don’t know what to say… I’m speechless.
I said “People”, never said you’ve said it, just saying people have said it.
But since your obviously out of the loop on things I’m done arguing
now change your pfp again so people don’t realize it’s you when you’re commenting on mocs and they accept your advice with no preestablished bias
I don’t comment on mocs, lmao