Biovival Discussion (aka Christian Faber's mysterious project)

at this point I really should just ignore faber until he comes up with something concrete. unfortunately wild rampant speculation is way more fun


Please read my posts where I reposted the exact same images he posted. I am not misusing words; Faber has made a promise of a future product with everything he’s ever done on social media. Nobody would be questioning it or leaping to his aid if he didn’t make doubletalk and attack people who question him.

I’m curious how you completely ignored the rest of my post where I said

In spite of quoting the portion just below it. Or maybe you don’t care that I have current commitments more pressing than doing nothing for three hours? I will get to it when I have the time; if the argument can only progress with knowledge of the contents of the video then make the Faber Interview topic and take it there.

I’m being pretentious because I mention a legitimate reason for why I probably know more on a given topic than Tarkur, especially when he seems to be at least partially ignorant of the process?

Guess I’m a shmoe, then. Should’ve done my research before I enter a discussion. Too bad 2 years of employment doesn’t count.

I don’t know what this is in relation to or if it’s even directed at me, but I did mention logos, so…

Has he made redrafting comments (likely in the interview)? This does imply he’s making another one, likely in the same or similar style, with the actual name of the product and the Bionicle one was mainly to get attention.

And, oddly enough, it promises a future product. How interesting.

You’re most likely correct. Faber’s disjointed cryptic messages seem to lead in this direction, barring any radical interpretations of them. I await any future developments with great interest.


So it’s still the “logo == product for sale” idea.
I’m going to blow your mind here, Ghid.

Faber's DooHeads logo concept


No wonder you’re mad at Faber, he still hasn’t given you the DooHeads he “promised” by posting this logo!

I mean, yeah? Everyone has personal qualifications / circumstances that mean they know stuff, but you’re the only one slapping them on the table.

(And, you know, Tarkur has the qualification of having actually listened to the interview.)


This is a very apples to orangutan comparison.

First: I could be wrong, but Wasnt the dooheads logo only shown to the public after bionicle revealed? It was clearly not a promise of a product, it was a “this is what we could have made.”

Second: dooheads did become a product. You might have heard of it, it’s called bionicle. Obviously, there were changes to it, but we still knew it was a Lego line; because Lego put it out.


Woah, a Logo!

From 1999. After the final version of the product, Bionicle, already came into existence.

Yeah, after the product happened.

Because they relate. I’m not talking about my years of volunteer service in heavily populated suburban areas because that doesn’t relate. I’m a graphic designer, this discussion is relating to how a logo is a promise for a product; I know what I’m talking about because I’ve been working in the field for two years and I’ve seen the process repeated multiple times.

It’s relevant info. If I’m being pretentious, then so is Kini when he said he’s extremely well-trained (and also employed in the past) as a- well, I’ll just quote it.

So is he a jerk for stating his position? Specifically to Tarkur as well, hm.

And, you know, I have the qualification of… Everything I’ve already said. Listening to the interview does not equate two years of employment as a graphic designer and many more years of schooling before that. My experience is far more specific to the topic of debate, being exactly what the debate is about, and therefore I have more leverage in a debate about whether or not a logo promises a product.

Show me a logo - an actual logo, not one of the thousands from stock websites - that has no product, service, business, or otherwise proposed transaction of money from customer for consumer in exchange for services rendered, and I will concede the point.

Better yet, show me one posted online by someone involved with the company behind the logo that has none of the above and I will relent my entire argument.

EDIT: Also, the ones from stock websites are advertising potential logo ideas you could get if you bought from that website. Services rendered.


I’ve got a genius idea guys, I think I’m going to go watch the video, and if anything Faber says in the video brings new information that might be relevant to the discussion, I’ll use it, and if not, I’ll say we’re still at square one!

Wish me luck!


Wait, when did you get three hours of free time


Also it’s basically only just started but I wanna say we are now legally obligated to refer to funny bionicle logos man by his preferred nickname: “Drawboy”


I will live by this gospel truth


Got over 1000 of them here.

People posting logos because they want to see a theme come about, not because they secretly already have a product that they are selling.

They’re even hosted on an official LEGO site, without it being a promise that a product exists.

Anyone can post logo concept art for any reason, without it being some sort of “promise” that a product exists. That’s just your own assumption / opinion. There’s no secret logo-posting rule that everyone follows but is only known to graphic designers.

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technically you only need an hour and a half of free time at 2x speed


Right so Im just gonna throw this into the void.

Y’all are arguing in circles, again. Worse still, you’re arguing in circles and the side with the evidence is falling back on the old “Do your Research” argument.

Newsflash - if you present an argument, the onus is on you to provide the proof that backs up your argument. If there is specific information in the Faber Interview that backs up your opinion of Faber or his project, and you wish to use that information in your argument, you need to cite your information and their sources.

This is simple acadamia.

Secondly, I’m going to have to remind everyone, yet again, to be civil in their discussions. Because quite frankly I couldn’t care less whether or not you support Faber, but this round-and-round circular conversation has to end.

I, personally, have not listened to the full interview however nothing that I have seen or been quoted in that interview has changed my negative opinion of how Faber has presented his project, in fact all it has done is reinforce the fact that Faber does in fact, still have a plan and a goal that he is working towards. I still don’t really understand what that goal is, but while I would enjoy knowing, I’ll take what clarity I can get from the interview and leave it be for now.

That said, I’m still allowed to dislike Faber’s modus operandi, for my own reasons.

Lastly, and I’m going to say this specifically because of the last hour or two in this topic:

Just because the conversation chills out for a few days does not mean that my warnings earlier in the topic do not still apply.

Grow up, all of you. The next example of people taking a disagreement over a public figure as though it’s a personal sleight will result in the individual(s) involved getting a 1 week suspension.

This is not a threat. This is a promise.

Oh, and if I see it before you edit it? Still counts.


Ho boy:

  1. They aren’t the one making this theoretical theme, Lego is.
  2. Everyone knows that. Therefore, they know that the logos on world builder aren’t promises of themes.
  3. Generally the pitches on world builder have more than just a logo and vague concepts.
  4. If Lego does decide to make a the from LWB… Okay, I don’t know how LWB works, but I’m pretty sure Lego doesn’t just put out a logo like “hey, look at this”. They either announce a theme/set, or they don’t.
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My question is… What else does Faber expect us to do if he is aware? People are out there making video games! Info databases! MOCs! Fanfiction that can rival modern novels! Animations! I don’t know what else we can do, as far as I can see there is some amazing stuff that rivals even professional LEGO products. I dunno what else we could possibly do.


Faber opens ShapeWays shop when? lol

jokes aside tho ye community has made some good stuff since cancelation


This really is the question to be asking after the interview. Faber wants us to do… something, in terms of keeping Bionicle alive. Unfortunately, without direct, well, direction from Faber himself (which has not been forthcoming) we’re pretty much limited to doing what we already have been.

For a decade.

Without him.

So what’s our involvement in this vision of his actually supposed to look like? Because so far we’ve been doing everything we can without him, and I’m sure a not-insignificant number of people wouldn’t really appreciate the work they’ve done over the last however-many-years suddenly being co-opted and rolled into “Faber’s Not-Bionicle 2.0” out of the blue.


So we’re back to square one.

Then what was the point of his discussion in the interview? XD

(This is not a diss on Eljay or Meso by the way. I’m glad they conducted the interview. Because now we got a better light of what Faber is so-called “promising”.)


As soon as I figure it out I’ll let you know cause I’ve been scratching my head for days.


a callback to previous statements

They’re, um, proposing a product. To LEGO, with a logo, and… This still counts.

It’s a promise, except the promise is fulfilled as soon as you click on it. The logo promises there is a pitch to follow, something worth your time and interest. Something worth LEGO’s time and interest.

You’re right, anyone can. But when you also post it and go “I wonder what THIS could be OoOoOOOOOoOOo” and then later post another snippet of the logo and say the same thing, and then post the entire logo and say the same thing, and then post two letters from the logo and… Then you’re absolutely promising a product.

Yeah, it’s a opinion. An informed one with experience to make it more credible, but no it’s not written down somewhere that this is the only way it can be. And, inversely, it’s only your opinion that Faber hasn’t promised anything at all.

Have we tried saving the planet yet

The only thing that could really, feasibly occur outside of what happening now (beyond what you’ve said above with the addition of everyone paying attention to Faber) is for us to purchase legally distinct Faberonicle from Drawboy Limited.

That’s it. Otherwise it’s more source material for us to pull from with ‘Bionicle 3’. Maybe Faber simply wants us to be inspired the same way Bionicle and Bionicle the Squeakuel do. But I think if that were all, he’d have tried something closer to how he did it the first time, I think.

And that question ultimately depends on what Faber’s Not-Bionicle 2.0 is. So unless the interview says something more than he’s already said, I’m afraid I’m about to waste three hours I could’ve spent saying something stupid and getting banned on TTV

If it’s a new line of products with a Bionicle air, then it would be to use the resources he’s provided and the worldbuilding he’d be making to invent, create, and explore our own ideas and concepts. If it’s anything else except that, nothing he’s said or done has made any sense.

Not that it makes any sense as is.



If there were a way to tell you without seeing it I would. Maybe he wants to use Meso and Eljay’s bodies as hosts, like you were mentioning earlier.

where we’re going we won’t need bodies