Black Suit Spider-man

I don’t use a tablet often, but I think it turned out all right. This is also the first time that I can recall that I’ve implemented two light sources. Let me know what you think!


This looks pretty good! The proportions are a bit wonky here and there, most notably the head being a little too large and the body a little too stumpy, but overall your anatomy isn’t too shabby!

You’ve also done a pretty decent job on the rim lighting, except a couple spots on the right side on his arm and leg. It really reminds me of the 90s cartoon show!

Also, this is just a nitpick, but I think blue would be a better choice to the red on here, especially since the black suit is almost always shown with blue highlights:

But like I said, that’s a nitpick, the red doesn’t really bother me!

Great work! Keep improving!


Thanks! [quote=“PakariNation99, post:2, topic:43916”]
proportions are a bit wonky here and there, most notably the head being a little too large and the body a little too stumpy
[/quote] Yeah, you’ve got a point. It was meant to convey that he’s leaning forward, but I’m not sure if it worked 100%.

[quote=“PakariNation99, post:2, topic:43916”]
blue would be a better choice to the red on here,
[/quote] I thought about using blue, but I felt like red would show the underlying sinister nature of Venom.
Anyways, the critique is extremely helpful! Thanks!

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I think in the case of the body it helps to have the head lower down, as here it looks like his body is erect with his head right above that, meaning any foreshortening is going to look off. It might also help to maybe twist the shoulders and hips more.

There’s a really good video by comic artist Jim Lee on creating dynamic poses:

Interesting interpretation!

Sure thing! Always up for helping a fellow artist!

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We’ve gotta have these, Jonah.

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