Honestly if the background is supposed to be anything other than my great aunt’s wig, it’s a little hard to tell. The shading on the knight is fantastic though.
It was meant to be smoke but I didnt have a clear vision and definitely half-baked that part. Thanks!
Now that you say that I can see it, though it admittedly looks a bit like a tree. I’m no artist but maybe the plumes are too close together? A bit more spread and cloudiness may make it more convincing.
Regardless, excellent work on the knight. I like how dark he is, like you can’t quite make out the details but you know it’s something very menacing.
The artstyle between the colored version and the Black and white version are amazing. I really love how you added the details in the background. Please don’t stop. Make more art like this. Also will there be a variant of this but with the polka-dotted screentones similar to manga?
Thanks! For some reason I just didnt think the halftones served this one as well as in other pieces. Not sure why.
What makes you say that about the knight art you made?