We all know the boards censor words to keep it child friendly. But I and many others have noticed that it seems to censor completely fine words that contain the blacklisted word within, like classic or assassin. I don’t know how easy it would be to fix, but it would be appreciated.
You could do these instead for now
Even so, it doesn’t make very appealing titles.
I believe that this was added “recently” since topics from a while ago have it spelled correctly if I remember correctly.
Could you point to a current example of this occurring?
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The most recent two, but there are more.
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Yeah this is a serious problem.
I’ve noticed this as well, I figured the techies were working on it, it hasn’t affected me personally yet, but it is a problem that should be fixed asap.
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Yep, it’s a bug with Discourse.
It involves changing quite a bit of code, so we’ll try and resolve it when Var and Jon are back from Brickfair.