Booster Gold: The Movie: Text-Based Forum Game

… Either Iron Man or Capt. 'MURICA from Marvel, or… Green Arrow from DC. #UnknownDCHero

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It’s time, NO MORE ENTRIES! You must vote for the 1 character you’d like to see with Booster as his sidekick type person!
Sorry @codenamelego39, that’s a character, maybe that’ll be his theme song?
Time for his Love interest, same rules, NO BATMAN/SUPERMAN OR OTHER BOARD MEMBERS! Also must be a female character

Lois Jane Potts


its not a board member

not batman or superman either

JK btw


@SpiritAlena, obviously, seeing as you’re Eljay in disguise.

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Can it still be a super-hero?

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boba fett

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Yes, as there are heroines in existence.
What’s wrong with it being a female character?


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Nothing wrong. Super-Hero is just the generic term.

Hm… If that’s the case, how about Squirrel Girl?



What? He is technically a girl.

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Storm (X-Men, Marvel)

The winner is, Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle, instead of Ted Kord Blue Beetle, somehow…
NO MORE ENTRIES! I was expecting more, but I guess not…
Now while you vote for the love interest, we need a villain male or female, it MUST be a REAL comic book character, or BIONICLE character! AGAIN, CANNOT BE SUPERMAN/BATMAN OR ANOTHER BOARD MEMBER, OR FAKE BOARD MEMBERS LIKE EKORA OR NGRAM!

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Captain America!

Uh, he said no more entries.

Do DC and Marvel fanboys count as villains?

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Snufkin for villain

can I say Stan Lee

if not, then Makuta

Mirror Universe Cyborg Demon Abraham Lincoln, Servant of Armok, God of Blood