Botar The Destroyer (moc)

This is my moc of Botar


Botar stepped on a brick

Botar with fren


This is supposed to be in creative content.


Edit: Forgot only Masters can edit topics, opsies!

Masters can edit topic details, with the pencil symbol at the top, just for future. :ok_hand:

Changed category to creative content- racie02

Easily one of my favourite Botar MOVs, the head captures the “that wasn’t icing sugar on those brownies” type of crazed look and I love it. Love the torso and abdomen design as well and the poses really sell it…comedy is always good :smiley:


I’m no longer a master.

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Understandable have a nice day

That head design looks pretty great, as well as the torso shaping. I like the use of system parts, but in some areas they look a bit odd (shoulders and knees). But overall this moc is good. :wink:

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The head is my favourite part, though the rest is the build is also really good. The head looks like the original, but without also looking like a Metru head wearing a mask.

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wap that’s going right to my head canon
Love the build for the cat ears

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i like his eyes

Very well done MOC! Also what a coincidence it’s right next to my Icarax MOC in the creative content list lol.

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is it just me or do they look similar