Bows and Crossbows

So my brother got me addicted to “Arrow”, so I wanted to update my already existing bows and create different bow/crossbow types. One of the bows I made was too heavy, so I thought it would be cool if my self moc needed an exo-arm to help him hold and fire the bow. Here’s an overview of the different bows and crossbows and their ammuntion.


Those are so awesome!


Thanks! :smile:

Words cannot describe how cool these are, actually they probably good but you get my point. 9/9…

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huh, these are really quite cool

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Great job, man. I usually just stick two mahri blades together to make a bow. Just one question about the feet, WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE?


What do you mean? Are you talking about the bow or the things on my self moc’s thighs? lol

The tiny Mata feet, it just seems kinda…small…
**Edit:**Exo-suit? WHAT EXO-SUIT?

Must see

oh yeah lol. I used those feet because it helps secure my moc in his exo-suit and I’m not that good at building with ccbs/bionicle parts.

lovely collection

Do you have a room to store them in?

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check out my self-moc topic on my profile I have tons of photos on it. I’m actually creating another topic soon about some of the exo-suits i recently created.

@JMP I usually just store them in those drawers that every bionicle fan has.

@Neowulf Yeah, I when i made it without the technic beams the bow was sort of loose, so I added the technic beams to make sure that the bow would be solid and more secure.

Interesting Dart Gun


I now know where to look when I need to figure out what I’m doing when I make crossbows


I got to say your bows and crossbows look great!


I absolutely love these bow designs!

My two favorites have to be the second to last design and the one before it. Keep up the awesome work!


I think one of the bows kinda succumbs to technic-beam clutter.

But the rest are cool, so all is forgiven.

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Wow. Great job.

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I like all of the bows really I do Nice moc!!!

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You have achieved enlightenment.

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…Wow. Those are just SO incredible. :neutral_face:
I is stunned.

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