So a while back I finished a revamp of one of my favorite vehicle sets of all time, the Koronan Boxor. When I was building the model, I was going for an alternate universe version of the Boxor, in which Nuparu had more time and a wide variety of materials at his disposal. What I ended up with was a small, heavily armored mech suit resembling the Hulkbuster, or a more stocky version of the mech suits used in Avatar.
When I was building, I wanted to retain specific features from the original Boxor, such as the orange toes, the black and clear windscreen, the somewhat pointless pneumatic pipes in the limbs, and the rounded cockpit area, while improving on some things the original was lacking such as the pilot not being covered, and the vehicle not actually having fists, despite its name: The Boxor.
Oh my GOD!!! When I first saw the topic, I was NOT expecting it to be this good! This honestly one of the best mocs I have ever seen on these boards. Instructions maybe?
Anyway, this moc is just absolutely amazing!