Congrats man.
There was a girl behind the TV drawing with a tablet. Live, on-site fan-art.
Congrats man.
There was a girl behind the TV drawing with a tablet. Live, on-site fan-art.
you probably aint gettin that picture any time soon tbh
i’ll try to remind him about it tho
This would’ve been me…if I went to Brickfair…
At least my MOC was there, and there’s always next year!
Saturday afternoon with meeting fans made the trip very validating, so glad to have been able to make it out to the event. : D
Thanks Prpl!
i’m back home now
i had an awesome time meeting @Syobnaf, @Paradox, @ENDfilms, @Hutere, @Shlomo_Rosenberg, Plebeian (@Thefezmeister), and more
also shoutout to meeting and stalking TTV
y’all are cool
special shoutout to @AvohkahTamer who helped me a ton
but yeah overall i had a blast
it was a ton of fun being there, and i don’t regret a single second of it
Except spending enough money to feed a small village for a year on Squidwards
His name is like fezmeister but it legit isn’t showing up when I try to @
It was nice to meet you too!
oh yeah i took pics
here’s me, ranaki, and cal dabbing with ttv
from left to right:
@Hutere, @Calvatron, me, @Thefezmeister, @Ranaki_Pakewa, @Shlomo_Rosenberg, and @Komrad
and here’s the 4 amigos
Hey slime!
Also met @Ranaki_Pakewa, @Shadowgear6335, @Phoenix, @Syobnaf, @Tyrigsus8V, and… uh… some other people… I seem to remember them being kinda important… oh right, TTV!
Look at that nerd in the glasses in the second photo. What a freaking geek… oh wait that’s me.
Brickfair was amazing. I got to hang out with my two good friends Vanu Vontravia and Toa Niretta the whole time. I got to meet and talk to Shadowgear who is an incredible dude. I talked with Eljay a little bit, he’s also an awesome guy. I saw Mesonak for like a second before Vanu just started talking to him about Destiny. But I was able to have an incredible conversation with Jon, who gave us some awesome advice.
Thanks guys for the great conversations!
ohey das me on the right
Looks like everyone had a grand old time.
You’re taller than Eljay? I thought you said you are 15.
I went last year. Unless they all underwent massive growth spurts, they’re all a little… under average when it comes to height.
I’m not taller than Eljay. He’s leaning down to fit into camera a bit. Not to mention I’m closer to the camera than Eljay, so the perspective makes me look taller.
I’m 15 and I’m taller than Eljay. I also know 15 year olds who are about six foot five, so age really doesn’t matter when it comes to height