Brickonicle Entry: Ultimate Collector Series: The Kohli Arena

For everybody who look at this topic:
I tried to make the Mask of Light arena. I AM NOT A GOOD ARCHITECT, that’s why there is no texture! In the free time, I work ONLY with CCBS and Bionicle pieces. That is why it looks blocky.
Please undersrand me!

That doesn’t mean that it can’t be better, you can always improve your skills, try new methods of building and things that give you difficulty, that will make you a better mocist.


Pointing out the simplistic nature of the design is just people giving constructive criticism. No ones trying to be mean or rude or anything.


Sorry, you are right.


Questioning the inclusion of self-MoCs, and the build could definitely do with some filling in. The concept is alright, but it really needs work, in my opinion.


I think I just said I don’t know what’s wrong with them, there’s just something off.

So for some reason I wanted to re-visit my very first topic and boy was it cringey!
But I see that younger me (I don’t really think I was that young, only two years passed, but I can definetely say I was more childish) had a really big ambition when it came of this thingey.
As a result… I think I’ll try to remake it!

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