Brickonicle G3 Elements Poll [Worldbuilding] [Pitch]

Really, because I think of blue personally, outside of Pokemon and Zelda(yellow chu chu’s, even then the actual electricity is usually blue/white/green) I can’t think of anything that uses yellow to represent electricity.

Well, they’re wrong, it’s obvs purple.



Monster Hunter does a lot, tho it also uses blue a lot too depending on the monster, one even uses green for lightning/electricity (maybe something to think about). So I guess it’s nullified a little as an example



Googling lightning bolt brings up millions of pictures like this. Is lightning actually yellow? Obviously not. But the traditional image of a bolt of electricity is yellow.


I’m just gonna quit.
I concede, have your ugly lightning toa.


Personally I think Lightning is actually blue and White, as G1 did it, but that leads to being thought of as ice, in certain instances.
Which is why I made Lightning represented by Yellow and Dark Blue seen here:

(If it’s actually purple, blame it on my very very partial color-blindness)
There’s more where that came from: Brickonicle- My Element Ideas [Characters]

Wait, when was this decided? I’m pretty sure the most common choice is Iron, not The Green.

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Strangely that doesn’t bother me as much, still not a massive fan but I mean.
Of course then there’s two blue elements, and parents aren’t able to tell similar colors apart.

Nature is clearly the better option in regards to natural elements, I don’t really think iron should get that kind of spotlight.

But how is Nature an element?

I mean, to be fair, neither is Fire/Plasma, Water, Earth, Air, or Ice, but they are all defined as specific substances/masses. How do you define Nature?

Iron is a specific Element. Actually, it would be the only element out of the original 6 to properly be an element.

And so tell me, how is it ‘‘clearly the better option in regards to natural elements?’’

And why shouldn’t iron get some spotlight? What exactly is wrong with the idea?

Just to clarify, I’m not against The Green as returning, I just don’t see your logic for why it makes more sense than iron.


Hopefully the yellow will be vibrant enough on actual sets. Remember, we’re not selling characters here. Plus kids could just refer to the “blue and yellow toa.” I’m sure most parents can at least differentiate yellow.

On the periodic table, sure, actually elemental from a tribal myth standpoint, not at all.

Also should be noted for those who aren’t on patreon/weren’t in the live audience:

Var put forth the idea of earth being more nature oriented and most of the podcast members seem to agree with the idea. Based on that change Eljay put forth that the eath/stone issue is no longer a problem, to which most everyone but Var agreed. Discuss.

What do you mean, “nature-oriented?” Like, he gets plants now? Why? That makes no sense. Dirt equals…plants? How? I mean, they grow in soil, but they’re not part of it. Besides, plant powers have totally different implications and uses than Earth powers. From a conventional standpoint, Earth is about making the ground shake, erecting rock walls, and chucking rocks at peeps. Plantlife is about strangling people with vines, and healing people because, I dunno, magic. If Earth and Plantlife merge, then it’s not really a proper element, now is it?

Yeah pretty much. Don’t ask me, it’s Var’s idea, I was just putting it out there for those who didn’t know yet.

I said this myself, but I think it’s better if Toa of Earth control the actual earth/dirt (but can’t control plants) and Toa of Stone control actual stone/rock.
That way, both elements work.


I was speaking in the context of what Slime proposed, obviously. Don’t get your gears in a jam.

But I would agree with this, just for the record. IMO Nature fits in better with the elements of the other Toa. Not to rule out Iron as an element for a future Toa.

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I think you just answered your own question.

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Au Contraire, rather I go on to further define the question - in the same manner that nature needs to be further defined.

We have clear and outlined definition and uses of all the original elements, and for ‘nature,’ we lack that.

In addition, my statement only brings up more questions. The comparison to the original elements, which we automatically define, contrasts the vague description of nature with those.

On top of my original questions, how about this one: What exactly would a G3 toa of the green control? There are so many elements within the definition of nature, that it seems almost antithetical to the concept of a base construct. As opposed to Iron, which is a very specific kind of material.

The big question is: What is ‘clear’ about nature as an element in the first case, let alone a better option.

Fire water earth air ice and nature are all mythical elements, iron is a periodic element, nature better fits the mythical themeing of the other elements, that was my point.

Now you’re moving the goal posts to ‘define nature tho’, you’re conflating mythical elements with scientific elements, you’re saying iron is a better choice because it’s actually an element, when you yourself point out how the others aren’t actually elements. And obviously a toa of nature would have control over plantlife and perhaps simple animals, personally I’d give them the ability to communicate with more intelligent animals as well but I digress. It’s obvious when we say nature we’re referring to something at least in the ballpark of the green and jungle, and you clearly have at least a general idea of their powers.


Iron is basically the catch-all term for Metal when it comes to Bionicle, and Metal actually is a classical element, according to Chinese philosophy, anyway. It’s included in their main five, alongside Wood, Fire, Water, and Earth.
So from that point of view, it technically still counts.


Yes, perhaps, however it is notheless not similar to the other naturally occurring mythical elements, metal is not a common material, the vast majority of metals need to be extracted from the earth. The other elements are forces of nature so to speak, whereas metals are a material.

Also, I’d argue that one of bionicles stronger draws was the juxtaposition of metallic beings and nature, which is lost somewhat with the addition of metal as an element, I’d argue the more scientific elements of g1 did make it lose something, granted they were added fairly late in the run, so it wasn’t missing out of the gate like it would be here.

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