I don’t have a problem with incorporating more elements, my issue is with tampering with the main six. Year one should be about them, after that you can use them to explore more of the world and meet Toa of other elements, but we should start with the Toa Mata, as we always have.
Also, just as a PDA, for some reason we have four other topics for what is essentially this same discussion. Here’s some links in case you didn’t know about them:
Hello there!
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Jon Blue Fire.
I’ve discussed my thoughts on TTV’s G3 pitch, quite heavily I think, and feel that it is now necessary to put those ideas into action (in a way).
I just want to make sure that everyone knows this is my personal opinion. You are completely open to whatever thoughts you have, but do not direct hate towards me. Thank you.
The Number of Toa
I’m going to start off basic.
I 100% feel that there should be 6 toa on each team, and 6 toa as the main protagonists. We’ve scene this done right on several occasion (Bionicle, HF, Ninjago), so we know that it works, and can work again.
Another point is that there are, currently on TTV’s pitch, going to be 6 antagonists - remade versions of the dreaded Rahkshi. Considering these en…
Hey all, so what I wanted to do was show off some ideas I have for a G3, mainly focusing on Elements that there could be. Here’s an image I have for a potential idea:
Top Row, Left to Right: Fire, Ice, Earth, Water, Stone and Jungle
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Lightning, Plasma, Air, Magic, Metal and Sonics
Feel free to ask me questions .
I’ve noticed that a couple other users are posting their thoughts on what the ideal elemental roster would be, so I thought I’d contribute. I’ll explain why anything from G1 was changed (i.e. why some elements were cut) as I list them. To avoid taking up too much of your time (and also because I’m lazy), I’ll try to keep this brief and not go into how this affects worldbuilding except where I feel it’s necessary. If that is wanted, however, I am willing to provide via a lengthy Google doc. Also, the given color schemes for each element are pretty flexible, so Gali’s secondary color could be silver one year and orange the next.
These are the elements utilized by the main cast, and the ones most prominently represented among the Matoran populations.
-Fire (Ta- prefix, r…
I’m working on a big write-up of how I would do the Bionicle elements in G3. It’s not done yet by any means as I’ve only written about the common structure among the elements and developed some of the elements themselves in writing so far, but this is already gotten so long that I figured I could post it and get some feedback as I write out the rest. It’s definitely going to be too long to throw up into a post directly, so here’s a link to view the word file instead:
Until the document is completely finished, I’ll post the name of the latest element whose write-up I’ve added to the document in the topic title.
Also, picture to illustrate my idea for an Air color scheme: