Broken/Damaged Masks

So I would assume everyone here has experienced a mask unfortunately get damaged… If so why not complain about it here? These are my broken masks, from least damage to worst…

And Eljay, if you’re reading this, avert your eyes!


You must love cringe inducement to visit this topic.


I broke the axle that connects the mask to head pieces on my Radiak mask which I was kind of sad about because it’s a great mask for moccing, fortunately I found a spare.

Radiak mask for those who don’t know. (Not my photo)


Omg paint the Miru so it’ll be infected. Anyways the only damage that’s ever happened to any of my masks is a broken axel which completely ruins it… :frowning:


My noble miru had the same fate as @Aeros’s mask.


I have an orange noble komau which must’ve been stepped on based on how it’s bent. The mask in question being one I bought in a parts bag.
Not sure if I should use that mask or a brown pakari for my future Kyoryu MoC…


I once got a Miru in a ■■■■■■■■ from Ebay that had the bottom half completely broken off. Everything below the ‘nose’ was gone, so I can’t use it for standard MoCing purposes.

I also got two Noble Mahikis; one tan, one orange, from two different people on Ebay. On both of them, the right side of the mask is bent inwards.

Tahu Mistika’s mask got slightly bent but is still useable; I speak of this mask because the stresses portion is very visible.

One of my gold Avohkiis has a very weird expression now; it looks like it is raising an eyebrow.

The grey Hau that comes with the Ussanui was bent when I took it out of the box. There were no stress marks, which means that it was molded that way. Fortunately, it still fits on a Toa head, albeit slightly crooked.

One of my original red Hau’s is slightly bent around the eyeholes.

My gold Vahi has stress marks, but is not bent and is perfectly useable.

Then I have the general amount of scratches and scrapes on my older masks from when I was younger and thought nothing of the value of the sets. I would take a figure, set him on a tree branch, pull it back, then let go and watch him fly. Unfortunately, I always used Brutaka’s sword blades as wings, and I broke several that way. I know these aren’t masks, but they’re still broken.

My dad once backed over a white Mata body on accident. Surprisingly, I can still use it, and make Kopaka appear as if he is twisting to the side.


A warped cracked mask?

sounds like kyo to me! :smile:


I got a huge lot of parts from Ebay once. Don’t even ask me how this was possible, but there were at least 11 small fragments that I think were once a blue Miru.

Who would do such a thing? I still need one of them! Grr


I don’t have a picture of it but my dog chewed up a Metru Ruru. It looked pretty cool tho XD

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This exact thing happened to me, but I never got a replacement. :confused:


Lewa Mata’s green Miru’s left side has been bent slightly inwards. I have no clue how it got this way, but given that I only rediscovered it in the past couple of years or so, there’s probably no way to know for sure.

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I have a Hau with half it’s mask cracked, lots of masks with their axles broken, a broken hau nuva, and a few other masks


you know that according to cannon these masks are all powerless due to the damage…
lets have a moment for all these broken and faceless masks.

(@Risebell ha kyo having no powers sounds like him)


The worst that’s ever happened for me was on a Hau Nuva:

First, I lost it in my basement and it got really moldy,

Next, my three-year-old (at the time) cousin found it and scribbled all over it with a pen.

Luckily, I had a spare, so I threw it away, meaning I unfortunately can’t get a picture.


I broke my Kanohi Olmak’s axle but I got a replacement from the Piraka stronghold set. I broke several others but brutaka’s mask was the most notable.


I accidentally snapped a hau in half once.


I snapped the axle on an Olmak as well, but I have four from; Brutaka, Kardas, and two from Race For the Mask of Life.


How does a mask get mouldy?


The same way rocks, trees, and basements get moldy. Moisture and time.