Brutaka, the Redeemed

“I fell a long way from the light, and I can never find my way back. But the darkness is not so complete that I can’t recognize a monster when I see one.”

Scholar. Protector. Traitor. All of these titles can describe Brutaka. However, even though he has made a lot of mistakes in his immensely long lifetime, at the darkest hour the Order of Mata Nui still sought out his help, a true testament to his skills and experience.

After the reign of Teridax was over, Brutaka, having finally atoned for his sins, found himself in a new, unfamiliar world without a purpose. He is no longer bound by his duty to the Great Spirit, who has retreated back into the Mask Brutaka once protected, which initially made him feel confused and uncertain. Well, at least now he is free, and he finds it oddly satisfying.

Autistic rambling and design notes

I guess this MOC technically counts as a Metru March entry since I did use the loathsome Metru torso, just in an unconventional way.
I’ve wanted to make a Brutaka revamp ever since I got back into Bionicle, but most revamps I see of him are usually not that different from the set and people tend to overdo the amount of gold. I wanted to make him look a bit weird and insectoid, considering his species, and elaborate on the additional pair of arms the set has (I don’t care that they are supposed to be mechanical additions lol). The sword is inspired by the Island of Doom collab entry. The nipple horns are inspired by Magnus the Red from 40K. Anyway, he’s been very fun to build and I love the end result.
Also, Easter Egg(s)


The vibe on this guy is extremely hard, he feels like a much more brutal warrior than the set iteration does. Just… Not a big fan of the nipple horns. It seen like he’d poke some eyes out on the subway.


Very cool. I like the fact you’ve actually done something with the extra arms, most Brutaka revamps kinda ignore those.

Plus, the chest horns are giving Magnus The Red vibes so that’s cool


Inspired by Magnus the Red from 40K lol

Also IMO most Brutaka revamps are pretty mid because people try to remake the set which is already pretty much perfect. The smaller arms are sort of inspired by Sukuna from JJK (not a fan of the manga but his design goes hard)


I like how organic he looks here. It fits him very well!


My very first thought when I saw this guy. That, and his sword looked familiar (so I guess I’m 2 for 2). Nice, clean build all around. I think my only gripe would be the use of the original claw design: I always thought they looked a little bulky, and they look odd when holding weapons. I’m curious as to what he might look like with both sets of hands using the articulated finger design that the lower arms have. Overall though, great job.


my only gripe would be the use of the original claw design

It’s a modified Von Nebula hand! I’ve used it on my Maxilos and on the dude in my pfp. I really like using Piraka feet as hands, it has huge 2006-2007 titan vibes imo. Might change them for the smaller articulated hands, but unfortunately I’ve run out of black bad robot arms lol


The moc of Brutaka is magnificent the way he is designed. Love how you added those extra pieces to make him look muscular.


those extra pieces to make him look muscular

What are you referring to specifically? If you mean his shoulders or “traps”, then it’s more of a side effect lol. The technic panels that make up his “traps” were used because I needed to cover the ugly technic mess underneath, and I struggle with shoulders/upper arms in general so they end up being bulky. In the end I think they look good, but at the cost of mobility.


would love for you to make instructions

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(post deleted by author)

100 dolleridoos to my bank account and I’ll consider doing that.

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