Builder of Toa Canisters based on my drawing of him
the drawing
The builder of the Toa Canisters
I like the weird arms.
@TheMOCingbird Thank you!
It really annoys me that one of his feet is backwards, but this is otherwise very good.
ooo he looks very good
i like his sorta uneveness!
I didn’t know that pins could connect to a noble Matatu. Cool!
Ah this guy looks good. I like the misshapen armor and color scheme
I really like this; you don’t often see MOCs of this character. The build looks really “broken”, and it matches the building style style of the official “rebuilt” Voyatoran sets.
My favourite parts are the use of a Metru head on his arm, and the detail of his twisted leg. The small piece on his mask also adds to the “rusty and dented” description, and it works about as well as it could without using a custom piece.
@Rhyla416 @Enbeanie @Rukah @TheJerminator Thank you!
@TotalMaddness I did it to represent his twisted leg