Bypasing the 5 character limit (Won't let my put two S's after an A, even when it's completely formal language)

If you type anything within these two brackets (<, >) that begins and ends with a letter, then they will count as characters, and as they disappear, everybody else sees less than 5 characters. If the 5 character limit is only for technical reasons, then this isn’t really that important, but if it’s to clean up the message boards, then this is kind of an issue.

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If a post has less than five characters, it’s probably unnecessary and/or spam, with the possible exception of “yes” or “no” posts. But I’d say that if an “empty” post is made like that, it can be flagged, like any other spam post. That simple.
(That said, I’m not a mod or in charge, they may see this differently)

Also, yes, the title filter is stupid.



I’ve been using it for HSH so it’s pretty useful

I’ve been using it everywhere (actually only the random game)