Calamari Reviews: Umarak the Destroyer

This is my review of set 71316: Umarak the Destroyer.

Starting off with, the build process was quite fun, building with not only CCBS but also technic parts. It took (for me) around 15 mins to build, at a casual pace. The way this set looks is great, aside from a few gappy areas and a open ball joint, which can easily be fixed or ignored. Another problem people may have is the stickers, but if you really don’t like them, you can just leave them off. This is one of the largest CCBS sets to date, only just being shorter than constraction General Grievous. The gear functions are fairly standard, with the one featured on his hands being fun but nothing huge, such as the one featured on Storm Beast. His mask is the mask of control in a different form, and features transparent lime green on it. In comparison to his previous form, Umarak the Hunter, he doesn’t really have much in common, the only similarities being his shoulder pads and the ribcage piece.

Overall, I really like this set, and would highly recommend it to any body who likes bionicle.

(Sorry about the blurry photos, my camera wouldn’t focus.)


That neck still annoys me to no end.


I’m definitely getting this guy…

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Pretty good review.