When the Mass Mite Counter Coalition needed more firepower, Calcium brought it. With a heavy laser cannon strapped to his back, alongside plenty of ammo belts, Calcium eagerly joins the fight against the bats with a hyper demeanor and pinpoint accuracy.
You sure like to talk, but I’ve yet to see anything worth reading. The only things that the MMCC needs to be concerned with is @Senit robots, but even they are few in numbers.
I literally don’t know why you keep saying that. Most of these bugs don’t fly. Almost all of the bats do. Plus, we have the best tactical minds on the boards (well okay, idk know about the best, but we’ve at least got really good ones). Just saying something is better doesn’t actually make it better, you gotta back it up with evidence.
Let me explain my scheme as I have before. Mites, they’re too small to be seen by bats, meaning they cannot fight them, and likely know nothing of their existence. Mites carry illness, which is responsible for the death of many bats all over the globe. Bats are powerless against mites.
I can retrace my line of research if you really need more proof.
Flight is an incredible advantage in war, I’m surprised you didn’t know that since
huh, strange. Also claiming to be the best gives me egotistical vibes, and egotism is a massive downfall for great generals.
As to address this, first off, the size of your Mocs would beg to differ. Additionally, one of your team’s major claims are on high power weapons, but if this size disparity you claim is true, then those weapons could not possibly do much to harm bats, as they are much larger, according to your statement. Finally, bats in fact groom each other and themselves to clean themselves and rid themselves of parasites.
Oh yeah, I do actually have one more point. You say that they would not know, but the mites have clearly and boldly revealed themselves to the bats, making it oh so much easier for them to find them.
This is not a typical war. There’s no time limit, there’s no territory, nothing. All that matters is that the MMCC is able to prevent bats from gaining power. That is my goal. We don’t need to fly, because mites don’t need to fly either. Flight does guarantee anything.
They’re not scaled to the bats, so the apparent size means nothing.
You may have seen this by now, but it’s chemical warfare, so power = potency.
Alright, than it better be 24/7, because even one minute is long enough to infect a bat.
Like I said, time is an ally, so you best have stamina.
Alright, if time is all that matters then it would be easy to create a chemical weapon that could kill mites but be unable to harm bats. Also, cures/vaccines for disease and poison could be created, making your chemical weapons obsolete. Plus, microscopic versions of A.B.U.s could also be made. Additionally, as you have said that your mites use needles, magnets could possibly be a temporary solution to keep the mites at bay. Remember, these bats are sentient, they can work together and create things. Even temporary solutions could work, because as long as there are some bats to make new bats and new, more permanent solutions, then the bats could easily outlast the mites.
Good question. Are the bugs ready to make a truce?
This what I want to see, adaptation. I’ll patiently wait until it happens
It’s the circle of life, you’re not supposed to fight us, but someone else is. I want to free the Boards, and I trust myself more than any other to do it.
This is all based on how things go for bats and mites on Earth. I deduced that mites were a great counter to bats, as bats do not prey on them, and mites are able to reduce populations quickly. I knew bats wouldn’t be very capable of stopping the MMCC, so I had hoped for another group to form in order to keep the MMCC from getting too strong and wiping out all bats, and if I got lucky yet another group would form to stop them from growing etc. It’s not supposed to be a complete obliteration on any side.
The alternative to this would be for the MMCC to force the bats to stop repopulating, and then go into hiatus until their help was needed again.