Caligrihawk (DuckBricks Rahi Fanon Contest Entry)

Breakdown Photos

The grey pins in the tail feathers have tape on them to add friction as I didn’t want to use blue pins.

Archival Designation: Caligrihawk
Conservation Status: Threatened
Habitat: Metru Nui (former), Mata Nui (island, former), Spherus Magna

Once a common pest spotted frequently across the islands of Metru Nui and Mata Nui, the Caligrihawk is best known for its peculiar fixation with written text. Caligrihawks came into almost routine conflict with Po-Matorans who became increasingly frustrated whenever an engraved sign was defaced by the sharp protosteel talons extending from the rahi’s wingtips.

An intensive investigation was undertaken to find a way to stop the Caligrihawk from vandalizing every street sign and public notice posted outdoors, with some particularly industrious Matoran attempting to train a flock to undo any damage that might occur, only to discover that the rahi are not intelligent enough to understand written language and will simply carve sequences of letters that look pleasing to them over existing text or on random surfaces. This endevour was abandoned completely when the phrase “Danger: Extremely Hot Air Within”, originally from outside a forge in Ta-Metru, was found carved into the door of Onewa’s workshop. It was eventually discovered that Caligrihawks will only copy and deface hexagonal letters, leading to the widespread adoption of circular letters for common use, at which point the Caligrihawk became little more than a subject of bird-watching.

The rahi is largely docile and sociable when faced with non-aggressive Matoran, and will readily befriend anyone who provides it with carved stones or snacks, but is quick to flee at the first sign of danger.

The Caligrihawk population was devastated following the Great Cataclysm, when any that didn’t flee to Mata Nui were systematically hunted by the Visorak. Those that survived up to the restoration of Spherus Magna have since dispersed across the entire planet. They are extremely adaptable and show little preference for any particular environment or climate, and can be found almost anywhere.

Extra Photos


Lol nice

Oh I love this


Thank you for the praise. I built this guy a while ago and was planning to scrap him since I didn’t think he was all that great but the contest spurred me to make some adjustments and create a story for him to the point that I’m probably gonna keep him. I’ll need to track down another pair of silver Gresh blades since those are on loan from Trifle at the moment, though.

This is a build that started out as a simple idea for an articulated spine that eventually just kinda turned into a bird at some point. Often when I’m building something I’ll look at the completed product in my hands and have no idea how I’d gotten there.