Canada Day

So July 1st was Canada Day, so I thought we could use this topic to share what you did to celebrate the Birthday of our country (I know this is going up right at the end of the day, but that’s because Canada day celebrations usually last till late in the evening, so I thought we could keep the topic open, at least till the end of the 2nd)

Happy Canada Day!

(From an American.)


Happy Canada day eh

happ-eh birthday canada

Happy Canada Day!
(From another American)

I didn’t know it was Canada day…

Happy Canadian 4th of July from an American!

Happy late Canada Day.

I saw fireworks for the first time
(I’m 16)

And, what’d you think of them?

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They were actually massively entertaining; one of thee coolest things i have ever seen (I’m a boring person, but it was still awesome)

but the display was too short :frowning:


Eh i didn’t even know this was a thing