
Omega, taking the wordless hint charged and pushed the beast into the elevator shaft

The Monster plummeted down the shaft, below the flames. For a moment, all was deathly silent. Then, the claw of the monster burst out of the flames and clung to the bottom of the elevator.
The monster tried to lift his flaming body upwards and back onto the platform. However, the monster’s other claw stopped him, pushing down on him and resisted.
“Don’t…hurt them!” Eric said defiantly, regaining more and more of his body. The Monster could only grunt in confused horror, as his head was ripped off by Eric’s claw.

With that the beast’s body fell back into the flames, never resurfacing.

The elavator reached the top, and Mark leaped off the platform just as it gave away.
“Let’s go, The Gamemaster can’t be too far.” Mark said to the others, motioning for them to follow him.

In his mind’s eye, Dr. X would see the design of The Crimson Blade laid out before him by The Crimson itself.

Luxatium follows Michael’s lead. “Far? That seems like a completely arbitrary term here.”


The group entered into a quiet, somber space. It was a lavish office, with purple velvet rugs and a candlelit chandelier providing light.
The Gamemaster simply stood in the center of the room, looking quite comfortable as he leaned on his cane.
“Welcome. Obviously, as you can see I’ve been expecting you.” He said with a grin, surprisingly calm in this moment with all things considered.
“Come, have a seat.” Said The Gamemaster, motioning to a nearby table.
“Would you care for anything to eat? Drink? Why, I’d be a terrible host to not show hospitality to my guests.”

Kyran gripped his staff.
“Jonathan, stop playing games.”

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The doctor immediately got to work, knowing the clock was ticking to the end.

Jessica carefully examined the surroundings for any traps or tricks.

"There’s something I’m hungry for"


The Gamemaster laughed in response.
“But see, that is my entire purpose. For what would I be without my games?; The Lamemaster?!”


There didn’t seem to be anything too suspicious, save for an odd device protruding from the ground. It was a Pedastal, with two sleeve-like openings. But it didn’t appear to be a weapon.
As for environmental advantages, the chandelier hanging from the ceiling was pretty large and jagged, and hung loosely…

Mark unsheathed his sword, stomping forward.
“Enough of this. It’s over, Gamemaster! We finally have you cornered!” He spat.

The Gamemaster chuckled to himself, shaking his head slowly in denial.
“Oh, Mark… shouldn’t you, of all people, have realized by now that I am never truly cornered? There is always an Ace up my sleeve!” He said, starting to slowly become more hysterical as he paced about the room.


“Oh?” Said the Gamemaster, raising a brow behind his mask.

“This is the last time I’ll ask. Stop all of this. I can help you. I couldn’t before, but I can now.”

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"You, stuck through a pike and roasted on a spit, with meat sloughing off your crushing bones."

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The Gamemaster sighed, cracking his vertebre as he rolled his neck from side to side.
“Very well, let’s make a wager: You best me in combat, and you may do whatever you please to me. But if you all lose, your souls are mine…” He said, a sinister gleam briefly flashing across the lenses of his mask.


“Well then… come and get me.” Said The Gamemaster, outstretching the back of his hand and curling his fingers back in a kung fu stance.

Kyran glanced at Mark.

“This is your battle. You choose.”

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Mark gave a nod of approval.
“Let’s do it.”

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Omega just shot him. Like really what else were you expecting?

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Luxatium solidifies pieces of light coming off the chandelier, causing them to rain down toward gamemaster.

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The Gamemaster, with near inhuman reflexes, bent backwards to dodge Omega’s bullets and then did a backflip to dodge Luxatium’s light shards.

“Ah, finally a challenge!” The Gamemaster said with what seemed to be ecstacy. His robotic arm then morphed into a laser cannon, and he fired several laser blasts from his at the group.

Omega fired again, this time the shell split open into a wall of fine flachettes

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Luxatium stops the lasers mid air, and throws them back at Gamemaster.

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