Chaos Creation (RP Topic)

Arakhin roars and flys up causing the wolves to fly up but he grabs one with his mouth and devours it

Winter rides into the clearing firing his pistols at the wolves, his horse kicks a wolf

The wolf bites down on Winter’s horse’s leg as it’s kicked. It barely gets at it, but some minor damage is still done.

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Nexus continues to have his shields fire at the wolfs, and Nexus inspects his hand.

Arakhin flys down and stomps on some of the wilves

“Ow my head”

The horse screams, and Winter shoots the wolf with Frostlink, the weapon has permafrost form all over it, but the wolf is frozen solid

Arakhin breaths fire at the wolf

(sorry for being dead, bit sick so couldn’t get access yesterday.)
Lehatu charged at one of the wolves and swung his two blades at it.

The wolves keep attacking the group. (You guys are in control of the wolves attacking you, as long as they actually put up a fight.)

Runa kept blasting at the wolves, yet the attack continued on.

Tangi shot wubs at the beasts, yet they seemed barely phased.

“Any ideas on what to do, Rakau?!” Kogara asked as she hit back wolves with her staff.

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Nexus got bored of the wolves, so he transformed his hands into swords and started chopping wolves in half along wih shooting other ones.

Winter shoots a wolf, and is knocked from his saddle by another, he feels it’s weight on him, and it’s slobber as it tries to bite his face

Tarev grabs another villager
“so what fun we’ll have together” says the lord of death

Jim continues firing at then wolves as fast as he can.

(Hi, can i just plop in with Pyrrhus? Are there any power rules i should know?)

OOC: Just run in, that’s what I did.

OOC: or you could, i don’t know… sign up?

OOC: And wait until you get accepted if you haven’t done that.

(And how do I sign up, sorry for being a n00b I’m new to the forums and more used to rping on Bionicle Amino)


OOC: here